After a difficult year in 2021, people are looking eagerly to the future. What will happen in the Austrian politics? When will the pandemic be under control? What will be new, what will be more expensive, what will the eco-social reform bring? The Austrian daily newspaper “Kronen Zeitung” provides insights into important areas.
▶Political highlights
Austrian Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen. In autumn, the Federal President will be elected. The office holder enjoys great trust, in contrast to his parliamentary colleagues. ÖVP grandees are in favor of another VdB term. Other parties are keeping a low profile or holding back. The soon-to-be 78-year-old is not tired of office. Despite all the turbulence since 2017 and Ibiza aftershocks. Apropos: In March, the committee on “ÖVP and corruption” begins.
▶Fighting the virus
Some experts think Omicron could open a door to normality. Mild clinical situations with high infectivity. Virologist Christoph Steininger: “We know too little about the variant. There is also likely to be a high number of unreported cases of Omicron. We should stay in the here and now and not make the mistakes of past years.”
Vaccination is paramount, he said. The rate is still too low, he said.
▶Pensions & inflation
The “Hackler Rule” is gone. As of today, the “early starter bonus” is here. Anyone who has at least 12 months of contributions between 15 and 20 and a total of 300 months will receive the bonus upon retirement.
In October, then-Interior Minister Karl Nehammer announced a record budget for 2022. Increase of 78.7 million to 3.25 billion for security. The intelligence service has been completely revamped. Neo-Minister Gerhard Karner also wants to strengthen protection at hospitals. There have recently been attacks by Corona demonstrators.
▶More expensive fuel prices
Greening is becoming real. Including controversial CO2 pricing. Climate-damaging energy becomes more expensive, the revenue is to be redistributed as a bonus. The start is moderate at 30 euros per ton of CO2. Gasoline would be 6.4 cents more expensive, diesel 7.4 cents. Heating oil by 8.1 cents. Goal: move away from fossil fuels. The intriduction of the Climate ticket will enable the government to expand public transportation projects.
The travel industry suffers like hotel and gastro . “We hope that this wave is the last,” says Gregor Kadanka of the WKO trade association. “People have not lost the desire to travel.” In the spring one wants to start through and hopes for a strong summer. Kadanka: “It will certainly get more expensive worldwide, though.”
▶ORF fees
The program fee for ORF radio and TV will be increased (at the earliest as of March) by 5 to 60 cents per day or by 1.38 to 18.59 euros per month. The contributions will be used exclusively for programs, says ORF boss Weißmann.
▶ Assisted suicide
The Constitutional Court has lifted the ban on assisted suicide. Now it is possible for the seriously ill or terminally ill with a dying decree to have access to lethal means.
- source: Image by Jürgen Sieber from Pixabay
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