Five thousand nine hundred ninety-one new Corona infections were added in Austria within 24 hours.
That’s above the previous seven-day average of 4,955 positive tests but below the 6,760 from last Wednesday. According to the Interior and Health Ministries, eight more deaths mean 18,279 pandemic victims so far, but this still lacks subsequent reports announced in mid-April. There were still 872 infected people in the hospital, 53 fewer than the previous day. Among them are 78 intensive care patients (minus one).
Burgenland added 283 registered infections, Carinthia 191, and Lower Austria 1,521. Eight hundred fifty-four positive tests were reported in Upper Austria, Salzburg 280, and Styria 693. Tyrol had 371 more infected in Vorarlberg 169, and Vienna 1,629.
Of the total 163,779 PCR tests reported in the past 24 hours, 3.7 percent were positive. The seven-day incidence (total number of new infections within a week) continued to fall slightly to 386 cases per 100,000 population due to the lower daily value than last Wednesday.
Mask obligation in the trade and public transport remains for the time being until July.
Since the pandemic’s beginning, there have been 4,195,691 confirmed cases in Austria. One or more infections have 4,112,993 people behind them. Within the past 24 hours, 6,342 were considered free of the virus again. As of Wednesday, there were thus about 64,000 active cases.
Three thousand eight hundred fifty-three vaccinations were carried out on Tuesday. Of these, 128 were first-time vaccinations and 430 second and 3,295 third vaccinations.
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