Because of the falling Corona case numbers, Germany’s Health Minister Karl Lauterbach wants to relax the rules for entry into the Federal Republic over the summer months. “Until the end of August, we will suspend the 3G rule on entry,” the SPD politician told the Funke Mediengruppe newspapers. From June 1, travel returnees and other entrants thus no longer have to prove that they are vaccinated, recovered, or tested.
The currently valid Corona entry regulation still requires 3G proof for all persons over twelve years of age until May 31. For those entering from virus variant areas, stricter rules apply: They must undergo a 14-day quarantine in Germany, even if they have been vaccinated or recovered. This regulation is expected to continue in the coming months. “When such areas are defined, people entering the country have to go into quarantine,” Lauterbach told Funke-Zeitung. “Even with lower incidences in the summer, we must remain cautious in a global pandemic.” However, no country has been designated as a virus variant area.
Most recently, the number of Corona-infected people in Germany had steadily declined. On Tuesday, the Robert Koch Institute reported 64,437 new Corona infections (previous week: 86,252 registered infections) within one day. However, comparisons of the data are only possible to a limited extent. For some time, experts have assumed a high number of cases not recorded by the RKI – due to overburdened health offices and because not all infected persons have a PCR test done. Only these count in the statistics. In addition, late reports or transmission problems can lead to a distortion of individual daily values.
According to information from the Funke newspapers, the amendment to the Corona entry regulation will be passed by the federal cabinet this Wednesday. It also provides that in the future, not only vaccines approved by the EU but all vaccines approved by the WHO will recognize upon entry.
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