5,407 new Corona infections in Austria

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At 9:00 a.m. Saturday, 5,407 new Corona infections were registered in Austria within 24 hours. This is above the average for the past seven days (4,921). A week ago Saturday, the number was 4,107. There have been seven deaths since yesterday, with a seven-day average of 4.9 daily. There were 527 people in the hospital, up by four from the number reported yesterday. 34 Corona patients were cared for in intensive care units (down two since yesterday).

The seven-day incidence was 383.6 cases per 100,000 population. As of Saturday, there were 56,700 active cases in Austria, up 2,166 from the day before. There have been 4,322,873 confirmed cases in Austria since the pandemic began. Recovered since the outbreak of the epidemic are 4,247,445 people. Within the past 24 hours, 3,234 are considered recovered.

In the past seven days, 34 deaths have been recorded. The Covid 19 pandemic has claimed 18,728 lives in Austria since the outbreak. Per 100,000 population, 208.6 people have died from or with Covid-19 since the pandemic began.

Positive rate of 10 percent
n the past 24 hours, 53,707 conclusive PCR tests were reported. Their positive rate was 10.1 percent. This 24-hour figure is above the average for the past week (an average of 6.1 percent of PCR tests positive).

Three thousand sixty-nine vaccinations (126 first, 266 second, and 2,677 third) were administered on Friday. According to the E-vaccination passport data, 5,634,357 people, or 62.7 percent of Austrians, have proper vaccination protection.

The protection rate (valid vaccination certificate) is highest in Burgenland, with 70.1 percent. In Lower Austria, 66 percent of the population has proper vaccination protection, and in Styria, 63.9 percent. After Vienna (61.4), Tyrol (60.6), Carinthia (59.6), Vorarlberg (59.2), and Salzburg (58.6), Upper Austria brings up the rear with 58.1 percent.

New infections by province
Burgenland: 213
Carinthia: 187
Lower Austria: 1,100
Upper Austria: 758
Salzburg: 464
Styria: 484
Tyrol: 433
Vorarlberg: 347
Vienna: 1,421

  • source: sozialministerium.at
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