On Tuesday, 12,572 new coronavirus infections were reported in Austria. The number of hospitalized patients increased significantly. There were also 32 additional covid fatalities.
This year’s and now third Corona pandemic wave continues to roll on. On Tuesday, there were again significantly more infected people in domestic hospitals – within one day, 120 positive patients were added, twelve of them in intensive care units. A total of 2,548 infected people are in hospitals. In addition, 32 other fatalities were reported. On Monday, there were 12,572 new infections, and 139,503 laboratory-confirmed, actively infected people throughout Austria.
Again significantly more Corona hospital patients and 32 more deaths.
That is more than the Upper Austrian district of Vöcklabruck, which has 139,416 inhabitants. Since Sunday, 3,116 actively infected people have been added. On average, 13,767 infections were detected daily last week. The seven-day incidence is now 1,067.5 cases per 100,000 population, up from 1,085.6 the previous day. There have already been 5,273,660 confirmed cases in Austria since the pandemic began.
Very high is again the number of Corona deaths. In the past seven days, 60 deaths have been registered, compared to 43 the week before. The Covid 19 pandemic has claimed 20,857 lives in Austria since the outbreak. Per 100,000 inhabitants, 231 have already died due to infection.
Increase in intensive care units
More and more people who have tested positive are being treated in Austrian hospitals, with a total of 2,548. Since last Tuesday, there has been a total increase of 685 infected people, and 40 seriously ill people have been added to the intensive care units, an increase of 44 percent. Exactly one year ago, a total of 880 Covid 19 patients had to be treated in hospitals, 218 of whom were in intensive care units.
A total of 248,181 PCR and rapid antigen tests were reported in the past 24 hours, of which 230,218 were conclusive PCR tests. The positive rate was 5.5 percent. On average, nearly 118,000 PCR analyses were performed daily during the past week, with an average of 11.7 percent yielding positive results.
- source: vienna.at/picture: pixabay.com
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