Babaylan Austria donates proceeds of the Masquerade Ball to support educational projects in the Philippines

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A considerable donation was given personally by the president of Babaylan Austria, Ms. Dorcas Aigner, to Hector Pascua, contact person of „Hilfsprojekt Philipppinen“ under the auspices of Pfarre Leopoldau, 1210 Wien.

An additional donation had been handed over to Mr. Pascua by the Vice President of the Council of Filipino Associations in Austria (CFAA), Ms. Carmen Pacaigue.

The „Hilfsprojekt Philippinen“ aims primarily to offer children and young people from needy families opportunities for the future through meaningful school education. Educational promotion of children from impoverished backgrounds in the Philippines, especially in the village, of Idio, Sebaste Antique, has become a mission. The children live with their families or close relatives who do not have the means to finance their education sufficiently. The children are supported directly, which allows them to pay for school uniforms, books, other learning materials, and sometimes a meal.

To successfully support the children, our local contact persons – mostly the teachers – strive to involve the children’s families closely.

Our long-term support aims to improve living conditions in the long term. We want to give children a chance to grow into responsible adults who take their lives into their own hands and help shape the world in which they live.

To counteract poverty, we want to use your help above all to support the education of the children, but also to give families a firm footing by creating work above all in agriculture, for example, cattle breeding and rice and coconut harvesting. Illnesses are another factor of poverty, as high costs are incurred for a visit to the doctor or medication. With your donation, we can provide life-saving medical care in necessary cases.

The solicited donations from the Filipino groups and parishioners of the Pfarre Leopoldau and Pfarre Herz Jesu, Töllergasse, do not seep into bloated and corrupt administrative structures but reaches the recipient personally. This is ensured by our system of personally selected trusted persons on site, who forward the money directly to the recipients and are accountable for it.

„Hilfsprojekt Philippinen“also works for hand in hand with Bantay Bata 163, a child protection program in the Philippines. It has established a successful network against exploitation, discrimination, abuse, and maltreatment of children.

  • Hector Pascua
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