Vaccination without registration: Second vaccination box opens on Vienna’s Danube Island

Starting on Saturday, 10 July 2021, a second vaccination box without registration is available on the Danube Island.After the huge rush at Rathausplatz, the City of Vienna is now opening a second vaccination box on Vienna’s Danube Island, where people can also get vaccinated against the coronavirus without an appointment. Vaccination action in the Austria centerFrom Saturday, there are Corona vaccinations without registration also on the Danube Island in Vienna. The City of Vienna opens a vaccination box as a second location next to the Rathausplatz on the so-called Sportinsel…

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Study shows: Single vaccination hardly helps against delta variant

Severe changes caused by mutations so that antibodies no longer recognize them: So-called immune escape variants are a bugbear in the Corona pandemic. Now there is new data on Delta. The delta variant of the coronavirus, which is now also prevalent in Austria, appears to partially escape antibodies of first-time vaccinated and unvaccinated convalescents in laboratory tests. A study in the scientific journal “Nature” provides further evidence of this. Antibodies can hardly fend off mutant after single doseIn the experiments, the antibodies produced by Biontech/Pifzer and Astrazeneca after a single…

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Intensive care physicians in Germany: “Corona becomes normal flu”

In Germany, more than 3.7 million people have been infected with the corona virus since the beginning of the pandemic. According to the Robert Koch Institute, more than 91,110 people have died. As part of the vaccination campaign launched at the end of 2020, 57.6 percent of German citizens have now received at least one vaccination dose, and 40.8 percent have been fully vaccinated (as of July 8). Intensive care physicians in Germany believe they are well prepared for a possible fourth wave of Corona. The president of the German…

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Tokyo Olympics to be held without spectators

Due to the reimposition of the Corona Emergency in Japan, Olympic organizers have decided on a spectator exclusion. The host made the announcement on Thursday. After the renewed imposition of the Corona emergency for Tokyo, the Olympic organizers have decided to exclude all spectators from the competitions in Japan’s capital. The Japanese hosts made the announcement Thursday after consultations with the International Olympic Committee. “We had no other choice,” said organization chief Seiko Hashimoto. “We had no choice”Until the very end, Olympic organizers had held on to their plans to…

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Rules for entry from three Western Balkan countries changed

As of today, Austria has changed the entry rules for countries of the Western Balkans. Thus, the “3-G” proof is sufficient for entry from all six states: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo and Montenegro are newly added to the green list, which since the previous week already includes all EU and EFTA countries as well as Serbia, Albania and Northern Macedonia. List of green countries now much longerThe list of green countries now also includes Armenia, Azerbaijan, Brunei, Jordan and Qatar. Since the previous week, all EU and EFTA states as well as…

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Tunisia reports almost 10,000 new cases

Tunisia continues to record new highs in the number of new coronavirus infections. The Ministry of Health reported more than 9,800 new cases yesterday – a new high. Already the day before, with more than 7,900 new infections, more cases than ever before had been registered. At the same time, 134 people died from or with the virus. The situation in the North African country has been deteriorating drastically for weeks. Cases of the particularly contagious delta variant have also been registered. In June alone, there had been more than…

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Austrian Chamber of Labour: Prices for vehicle sticker and repairs increase

The Chamber of Labor (Arbeiterkammer) took a random look at dozens of Viennese car repair shops and compared the prices of stickers, repairs and the like. The results showed price increases across the board. For comparison: Prices in the previous yearUsually, the inspection of the motor vehicle sticker is due annually, except in the case of a brand new car. Depending on the type of the car and the repair shop, the check can cost up to around 107 euros for diesel and gasoline cars. Compared to the previous year,…

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119 new Corona infections in Austria

From Tuesday to Wednesday, there were 119 new Corona infections in Austria. Compared with the previous week (62 cases), this is a slight increase of 57 cases. This brings the 7-day incidence to 7.35. In addition, there are two new deaths associated with Covid 19 infection. The number of active cases increases slightly to 1,789 with 62 new recoveries. In the past 24 hours, 66,721 new PCR tests were performed, bringing the positive rate to 0.18 percent. The new infections in the provincesVienna: 70Lower Austria: 23Upper Austria: 21Tyrol: 17Styria: 11Salzburg:…

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38 degrees today in Austria- the hottest day of the year

Today, the temperature difference between eastern and western Austria is particularly stark. Vienna, Lower Austria, Burgenland and Styria will glow, the hottest day of the year is forecast: 38 degrees, peaks up to 40 degrees are possible. Eastern Austria will be hotter than Madrid, Lisbon or the Côte d’Azur. In the west, on the other hand, there is a threat of heavy summer thunderstorms. The exact forecast for ThursdayIn the east of the country and in Salzburg, the ground is glowing today: Because it will be sunny, humid and hot,…

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