“Blue Zone” diet can help ward off corona

According to two U.S. medical researchers, the so-called “Blue Zone” diet is an effective way to prevent corona vaccine breakthroughs and prevent severe courses. This is indicated by recent studies, according to scientists. A poor diet and an unhealthy lifestyle significantly increase the likelihood of a severe Covid 19 course. In turn, choosing the right foods appears to have a substantial protective effect – even to the point of preventing Covid 19 infection when fully vaccinated. The two U.S. physicians Prof. Hana Kahleova and Prof. Neal Barnard have now published…

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CT value: viral load oscillates after infection

When people who have recovered from CoV test negative again and the CT value is above 30, they are healthy again. But for some, it happens that the test is positive again after days or even weeks. The reason: fluctuating viral load after infection. According to virologist Monika Redlberger-Fritz, the virus is excreted very slowly in those affected. For some, there are even weeks or months between tests. “It’s also called a ‘blip,’ where that can happen again, that this sample becomes positive again. That’s why all these screening tests…

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2G rule in trade is over – FFP2 mask is enough, more relaxations to follow next week

Today, Saturday, the 2G rule is no longer in effect in retail stores, and the FFP2 mask requirement still applies. The same applies to museums, art halls, libraries, etc. For body-related service providers, the law requires 3G and FFP2 masks. Night catering is still not possible. The closing time remains at 24 o’clock. Events without assigned seating over 50 people are only allowed if there is a ban on consumption, and the FFP2 mask is worn at all times. These new Corona rules apply as of todayAs of today, there…

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What helps with mild corona symptoms?

Numerous contagions: We explain what you can do about mild Corona symptoms. And even though the courses are much more often mild than earlier virus variants, they do not run without symptoms. In addition, those infected and sitting in domestic isolation can develop anxiety. What does this cough mean now? Is it harder for me to breathe than usual? In addition, the question arises: Will symptoms such as a cold, sore throat, or fever be helped by the same remedies that I usually rely on for a flu-like infection? General…

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Omicron: A booster for boostered people

Despite triple vaccination, many people are currently infected with omicron. Official data show that they are well protected against severe infections. Experts hope that the breakthrough infections could act as a booster for boostered people and help contain the pandemic in the long term. Some questions about that remain, however. Cold symptoms, headache, aching limbs, fever in some cases – even triple-vaccinated people are not immune to a noticeable omicron infection. There are two reasons why more breakthrough infections are being recorded at the moment. First is the high incidence…

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No need to fear omicron: these EU countries are easing Corona measures

Omicron has now lost its terror for many. Despite high case numbers, many countries in Europe are venturing back to normal. The 2G rule falls in February. Sweden abolishes almost all Corona rules The Czech Republic abolishes Corona passesWhen Omicron began its conquering march, many countries resorted to harsh measures to keep the highly contagious variant of the coronavirus at bay. Some brashly, others in cautious clumsy steps. Once again, the Scandinavians are at the forefront. No fear of omicron: These EU countries are easing corona measures.“Celebrate as if it’s…

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500,000 Covid deaths since Omicron emergence

WHO experts warn “virus remains dangerous.” According to data released Tuesday by the World Health Organization (WHO), half a million people worldwide have died from covid since the first warnings about the highly contagious Omicron variant of the Coronavirus in late November, according to WHO representative Abdi Mahamud. Maria Van Kerkhove, the WHO expert in charge of Corona, said, “We are still in the middle of the pandemic.” She said many countries had not yet passed the peak of the Omikron wave, which had displaced the previously prevalent Delta variant.…

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Food worth 1.4 billion euros burned in Austria

Alarming Greenpeace tally: 1.4 billion euros worth of food in Austrian incinerators each year. 1.5 million tons of CO2 are likewise senselessly caused for their production each year. This resulted from the current research of Greenpeace’s environmental protection organization, which was published on Tuesday. The greenhouse gases emitted in this way reached around half of the amount emitted by Austrian air traffic before the pandemic. Sebastian Theissing-Matei, the agricultural expert at Greenpeace in Austria, speaks in this context of an “everyday madness of food waste,” which also shows an enormous…

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Study warns of plastic flood in the sea

The EU has already restricted the use of plastic bags and disposable tableware. But the flood of plastic in the oceans is far from stopped.The environmental organization WWF warns of the dramatic consequences of the increasing plastic waste in the oceans. Plastic pollution has increased exponentially in recent decades, the WWF said, citing a study by the Alfred Wegener Institute in Bremerhaven. For the meta-study commissioned by the environmental organization, the institute evaluated 2592 surveys conducted from the 1960s to 2019. Danger for animalsPlastic waste decomposes in the ocean into…

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