Moderna plans to deliver CoV vaccine already in December

U.S. manufacturer Moderna plans to start supplying its CoV vaccine to the European Union as early as December – provided the product receives regulatory approval. The company announced this yesterday. It confirmed the conclusion of a framework agreement with the EU Commission. According to the agreement, initially 80 million vaccine doses are to be delivered, with an option for 80 million additional units. “Moderna expects to begin shipping mRNA-1273 to the European Union in December 2020,” the company confirmed. Strategic partners in Europe are Lonza in Switzerland and Rovi in…

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Corona vaccine: These are the possible side effects

The announcement of a corona vaccine provides relief worldwide. But now Biontech has commented on the side effects. Vaccines against the corona virus are being worked on under high pressure worldwide – some manufacturers are now even ready to say that the first vaccinations are realistically expected before the end of this year. These include the vaccine developed by the German company Biontech in collaboration with the U.S. pharmaceutical giant Pfizer. The researchers were amazed not only by its rapid development, but also by its apparently very high efficacy. Around…

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A British archaeologist has claimed to have found Jesus Christ’s ‘childhood home’ in Nazareth

Professor Ken Dark, from the University of Reading, has spent 14 years examining the remains of the fascinating stone and mortar dwelling, found built into a limestone hillside beneath the Sisters of Nazareth Convent. The dwelling, which dates back the the 1st century, is believed to have been built by a highly skilled craftsman, likely Saint Joseph, the husband of the Virgin Mary and Jesus’s legal father on Earth. The archeologist is certain to have found the parental home of the Savior in present-day Israel. According to his research, the…

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PRICE FROM 2,50 EURO: AstraZeneca produces the vaccine for the poor

The vaccine candidates from Biontech/Pfizer and Moderna have made the headlines in recent weeks. But the vaccine from the pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca could be even more important in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic: Because, unlike the other two vaccines, the doses, which cost between three and nine dollars (approx. 2.50 to 7.50 euros), should also be affordable for poorer countries. When AstraZeneca reported on its vaccine candidate with an average effectiveness of 70 percent, the drug seemed at first glance to be inferior to the vaccines of the other…

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Start in January: Already before the summer all could be vaccinated

Vienna – Austria’s vaccination strategy to protect against Covid-19 disease is ready and is to be approved today in the Council of Ministers. Health Minister Rudolf Anschober and his Special Commissioner for Health, Clemens-Martin Auer, presented initial details to the public yesterday: 1️⃣ Who should and can be vaccinated and when? The sequence of vaccinations will depend on the time of approval and subsequently on the quantity that can be produced and supplied by the manufacturers. It is expected that BioNTech/Pfizer will be the first to approve the vaccine in…

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Disposal of food fit for human consumption will soon be prohibited

ÖVP and Greens have launched new measures for sustainability. The disposal of food should be prohibited. Around one third of the food produced worldwide is lost. In Austria, too, hundreds of thousands of tons of food, which would still be suitable for consumption, end up in the trash every year. The governing parties ÖVP and the Greens presented a resolution on a comprehensive action plan against food waste to the Consumer Protection Committee on Tuesday, which was unanimously adopted. Specifically, the action plan, which is anchored in the government program…

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Corona Vaccinations in several European countries

Three vaccinations against the coronavirus are about to be approved and the first doses could be administered in a few weeks. Countries around Austria are using this outlook to prepare themselves. Spain is defining 13,000 vaccination stations, Germany is securing millions of doses, Italy is deciding who will be vaccinated first. The goal: to get started in a structured manner as soon as the vaccine is available. Great Britain: Mass vaccinations could start in Great Britain in just one week. This is reported by British media with reference to government…

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WHO warns against corona loosening over Christmas

The World Health Organization (WHO) warns against relaxing corona restrictions over Christmas if authorities do not have full control over the infection. “If people become infected with each other and if a country does not have the necessary infrastructure to track cases and isolate and quarantine contacts, then easing will lead to more widespread infection,” said WHO Emergency Relief Coordinator Mike Ryan in Geneva last night. Governments must be aware that they can only weigh up the risks. There is no scientific formula for determining what relaxation is justifiable or…

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Pandemic brought more order to Austria’s households

Since the first lockdown in March, many Austrians have spent more time at home. This has also affected order and cleanliness in their own four walls, according to a survey commissioned by ImmoScout24. One third of Austrians stated that these aspects are now much more important, 29 percent tidy up more often, 28 percent clean more often. The 18 to 29-year-olds in particular have discovered their love of cleanliness and order during the crisis, at least according to the survey. According to the survey, 44 percent in this age group…

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