Places at risk from COVID 19 transmission

The risk of infection in public transport is lower than previously feared. The daily increasing number of new coronavirus infections is a cause for concern. We reveal the places where the greatest risk lurks in autumn. In autumn, when the temperatures drop and the days end earlier, our lives will largely shift back to enclosed spaces. Considering the current steady increase in the number of new coronavirus infections, this is certainly a cause for concern. After all, the risk of infection is in principle greatest within four walls, but not…

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Metropolis…Megacities… Globalization… COVID 19

Since the corona crisis, large and megacities are no longer considered very attractive, but rather contagious. The metropolises are therefore likely to be among the losers of the pandemic – and the flat country.Ideas can be contagious. One new idea triggers the next. This requires urban life: the conglomeration of many people rubbing up against each other. Closeness generates heat – inspiration, provocation, innovation, imitation. In the era of globalization, cities boomed. Large and megacities attracted more and more people, increased productivity and fired up the economy. Thus a worldwide…

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Apple and Google work on COVID 19 warning technology

Apple and Google are giving governments the option of setting up a coronavirus warning infrastructure on smartphones without the need for a separate app. Google integrates the necessary functionality directly into the Android operating system, Apple into version 13.7 of the iOS system of its iPhones. Users are asked whether they want to participate in the tracking process. Existing coronavirus warning apps will continue to work, the companies announced today. The technology will help stop the spread of coronavirus by warning users when they are near an infected person. Smartphones…

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Vacations in times of Corona: Where travel warnings currently apply

Not only Austria demands covid-tests or quarantine of returning citizens.  Summer is soon over, but the vacation season is not. Since the infection numbers are not decreasing, strict Corona vacation rules should be implemented. The 8 most important questions and answers. 1. In which country can I still travel? And where does a travel warning apply? On Friday, Hungary announced that it will close its borders to tourists from September 1. A travel warning is currently in force for Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Kosovo, Croatia, Montenegro, Portugal, Romania, Russian Federation, Serbia, Spain…

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Reproduction figure in Austria down to 1.14

AGES analysis – Last Friday’s figure was 1.31 – 1.4 percent increase in infections per day – fewer travel-associated infections. Vienna. The effective reproduction rate of the coronavirus – how many people on average are infected by one affected person – has dropped to 1.14 in Austria for the period from August 14 to 26. In the previous reference period it had been 1.31. This communicated the agency for health and food security (AGES) Friday evening. Apparently the travel-associated infections decrease. Also the daily rate of increase in new infections…

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Corona Update: the importance of ventilation

Researchers found out that aerosols emitted by corona infected people can contain intact virus particles. So we should ventilate the room more often. The danger of aerosol transmissions from the corona virus is probably greater than initially thought. As Professor André Prévôt of ETH Zurich explains in the “Tages-Anzeiger”, ventilation can be a very simple measure against this. The aerosol researcher even compares airing with washing hands or keeping your distance. He says: “It’s a pity not to take advantage of the opportunity.” Prévôt calls for a ventilation strategy for…

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The toughest corona punishments in the world

In the middle of the sidewalk a man kneels and spreads his hands on the pebble-covered ground. Then he does push-ups under the watchful eyes of several policemen. His offense: In Corona times, he was riding his motorcycle on the island of Sulawesi without a mask and – unluckily for him – had passed a security checkpoint. The punishment followed on foot – because in Indonesia humiliating gymnastic exercises in public are the means of choice in the fight against Corona rule breakers. But in the world’s largest island state,…

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Robert Koch Institute: Corona vaccine possible in autumn 2020

The experts of the German Institute also point out the necessary planning of administration prior to approval.The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) considers the use of a vaccine against the coronavirus in autumn to be possible. “Preliminary forecasts make the availability of one (possibly several) vaccine by autumn 2020 seem possible,” says a publication by the German authority published on Wednesday entitled “The pandemic in Germany in the next few months”. At the same time, however, the publication warns that it would be dangerous at this point in time to trust…

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Aerosol Research: Scientists find infectious corona viruses in the air for the first time

Aerosols have long been considered a dangerous carrier of the coronavirus. Researchers now hope to have detected complete live viruses on the tiny suspended particles for the first time.Those who do not want to be infected with the corona virus should wear a mask and keep their distance. This measure is not only recommended by virologists, but has now been prescribed by authorities in Germany. Anyone who does not adhere to it is committing an administrative offence. The corona rules exist because only a few weeks after the outbreak in…

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