Seven-day incidence of new Corona infections continues to rise in Germany

The nationwide seven-day incidence of new Corona infections continues to rise: on Sunday morning, it was 54.5, according to the Robert Koch Institute. The previous day, it had been 51.6 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, and a week ago it was 35. Nationwide, 7050 new infections with the coronavirus were reported, as well as three additional deaths. Seven-day incidence continues to riseThe seven-day incidence indicates the number of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants within one week. The value has been rising steadily again in Germany for weeks. The total number of…

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RKI sees start of fourth pandemic wave in Germany

According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), the fourth wave in the coronavirus pandemic has begun in Germany. The proportion of positive samples among PCR tests in laboratories had risen from four to six percent within a week by mid-August, according to the institute’s latest weekly report released yesterday evening. Infections primarily affected younger age groups, it said. “This now clearly shows the beginning of the fourth wave, which is gaining momentum, particularly due to infections within the young adult population,” the report said. The RKI continues to assess a…

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New infections: Situation in Great Britain “worrying”

Great Britain registers over 34,000 new cases per day. British health experts warn of autumn. British health experts are worried about the upcoming fall and winter with infection rates still high in the UK. On Wednesday, the British government reported nearly 34,000 new corona cases and 111 new deaths. “This is very worrying,” immunologist Peter Openshaw told Times Radio on Thursday, especially because at present the weather is still relatively good and schools are still on summer vacation. “We’re going into the winter with a very high level of infection…

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Germany: Number of new infections soared

In Germany, the number of new coronavirus infections has jumped within one day. Yesterday, the health authorities reported 8,324 new infections to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) – and thus over 4,400 more than the previous day. A week ago, the figure for Germany was 4,996 infections. More than 8,000 new infections within 24 hours were last registered in Germany on May 21. The seven-day incidence has continued to rise, and is now just above the 40 mark – at 40.8. The previous day, the value was 37.4, and a…

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Switzerland apparently at the start of a fourth wave

The numbers in Switzerland indicate the beginning of a fourth wave: In Switzerland, with a population of 8.5 million, and in Liechtenstein, 3,150 new infections were reported to the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) today within 24 hours. A week ago Tuesday, there were 1,910 new cases. “Since July, hospital admissions have increased tenfold,” a FOPH spokesperson reported. About a quarter of PCR tests were positive today. Switzerland last recorded such high numbers last year during the second wave, which resulted in closures and many CoV measures. The new…

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France: Number of patients in continues to rise, mass vaccination campaign launched in Tunisia

In France, the number of coronavirus patients in hospitals continues to rise. As the health authorities announced yesterday evening, 399 Covid 19 patients were newly admitted within 24 hours. This brought the total number of coronavirus patients in French hospitals to 9,798. The number of Covid 19 patients requiring intensive care also continues to increase in France. With 73 patients newly admitted to intensive care units within 24 hours, it now stands at 1,852. Another mass vaccination campaign launched in TunisiaAnother major vaccination campaign against coronavirus began yesterday in Tunisia.…

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Over 2,000 new infections in Germany

The 7-day incidence continues to rise in Germany. According to data released by the German Robert Koch Institute (RKI) this morning, it was 36.2 – up from 35.0 the previous day and 23.1 a week ago. Health offices in Germany reported 2,126 new coronavirus infections to the RKI within one day. That’s according to figures reflecting the 4:30 a.m. RKI dashboard. A week ago, the figure for Germany had been 1,183 infections. The incidence has been the basis for many coronavirus restrictions in the pandemic so far, such as under…

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Coronavirus worldwide: Last masks drop in Denmark, USA and Israel extend booster vaccinations

About 205 million people have tested positive for the virus worldwide, according to Johns Hopkins University. More than 4.3 million infected people have died. About 4.5 billion vaccine doses have been administered worldwide. In Denmark, the last masks are also coming off. As of Saturday, people nationwide no longer have to wear mouth-nose protection when on buses, trains or ferries. A mask obligation exists practically only in the air traffic: If one flies, the requirement of a mouth nose protection applies namely still, since the air traffic falls according to…

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Nationwide incidence is 30.1 – 3,675,800 people have recovered in Germany

The incidence is to be supplemented in the evaluation of the pandemic by other values such as hospitalizations, yet it remains the supporting factor. And it has been rising steadily for weeks. The seven-day incidence continues to rise. According to data from the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) on Friday morning, it was 30.1 – the previous day the value was 27.6, a week ago it was 20.4. The health offices in Germany reported the RKI last within one day 5578 Corona new infections. This is according to figures reflecting the…

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