Coronavirus worldwide: first death since December in Sydney, Belgian woman dies after infection with two strains of the virus

More than 186 million people have tested positive for the virus worldwide, according to Johns Hopkins University. More than 4 million infected people have died. About 3.4 billion vaccine doses have been administered worldwide. New South Wales Premier Gladys Berejiklian warned that the lockdown of Greater Sydney will most likely have to be extended beyond July 16. 77 new cases of the virus were recorded in the Australian state of New South Wales on Sunday (7/11), the highest number during the recent resurgence. The total number of Delta cases now…

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First EU country to allow only vaccinated people to enter the country

Corona numbers have also risen recently in Malta. The country is now countering this with stricter rules: Only vaccinated people can enter the country. The delta variant of the corona virus is currently causing concern in a number of countries, including Austria. Recently, an increase in the number of infections has again been recorded in this country, with the delta mutant already dominating. Almost two thirds of all new infections are already attributable to this much more infectious corona variant. More and more countries are now tightening their entry rules…

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French researchers: Because of delta, vaccination rate of up to 95 percent is necessary

French scientists believe that a vaccination rate of up to 95 percent may be needed to contain the delta variant of the coronavirus. “We won’t get the epidemic under control unless 90 to 95 percent of the population is vaccinated and infected,” the government’s scientific advisory council said Friday. Given the increasing cases, “a fourth wave linked to the delta variant could occur rapidly, with implications for the health system.” In France, only about half of the population has received a first vaccine dose so far, and 40 percent have…

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Temporary end of nightlife in the Netherlands imposed

Due to a huge increase in the number of new infections, the Netherlands has tightened a number of coronavirus measures again. Clubs and discos will have to close again as of today. For restaurants is at midnight close, as Prime Minister Mark Rutte announced yesterday in The Hague. After only two weeks, this means the temporary end of nightlife. Festivals and other large events without fixed seating, where no safety distance can be maintained, will also be banned again. “We must slow down the rapid spread of the virus,” the…

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Tougher entry rules in Czech Republic from Friday

Tougher entry rules will apply in the Czech Republic starting Friday. Compulsory testing applies, unless you have already been fully vaccinated for at least 14 days. Czech Republic introduces mandatory corona testing for entrantsTougher entry rules for vacationers from Austria come into force in the Czech Republic this Friday. The country’s tourism industry now fears a renewed slump in visitor numbers. “Any such barrier is an obstacle for vacationers,” Vaclav Starek, president of the Czech Hotel and Restaurant Association, said Thursday. Compulsory testing on entry to Czech RepublicStarting Friday, anyone…

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WHO: Africa still faces worst in pandemic

With CoV numbers rising in Africa, the World Health Organization (WHO) is warning that the worst is yet to come for the continent. “Africa has just had its worst pandemic week yet,” Matshidiso Moeti, WHO regional director for Africa, said yesterday. “But the worst is yet to come as the third wave of the pandemic is gaining momentum on the continent.” Case numbers have been rising rapidly in Africa since early May. In the week ending July 4 alone, 251,000 new infections were recorded on the continent – a 20…

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Intensive care physicians in Germany: “Corona becomes normal flu”

In Germany, more than 3.7 million people have been infected with the corona virus since the beginning of the pandemic. According to the Robert Koch Institute, more than 91,110 people have died. As part of the vaccination campaign launched at the end of 2020, 57.6 percent of German citizens have now received at least one vaccination dose, and 40.8 percent have been fully vaccinated (as of July 8). Intensive care physicians in Germany believe they are well prepared for a possible fourth wave of Corona. The president of the German…

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Tunisia reports almost 10,000 new cases

Tunisia continues to record new highs in the number of new coronavirus infections. The Ministry of Health reported more than 9,800 new cases yesterday – a new high. Already the day before, with more than 7,900 new infections, more cases than ever before had been registered. At the same time, 134 people died from or with the virus. The situation in the North African country has been deteriorating drastically for weeks. Cases of the particularly contagious delta variant have also been registered. In June alone, there had been more than…

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Coronavirus worldwide: More than four million corona deaths worldwide, “covid emergency” during Tokyo Olympics.

More than 185 million people have tested positive for the virus worldwide, according to Johns Hopkins University. More than 4 million infected people have died. About 3.3 billion vaccine doses have been administered worldwide. More than four million people have already died worldwide after being infected with the coronavirus since the pandemic began. That was revealed Wednesday evening (7/7) by data from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. Thus, the number of globally known corona deaths rose from three to four million within just under three months. Worldwide, there have been…

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