10,449 new Corona infections were reported Tuesday

The number of new Corona infections continues to rise: For the first time since late July, more than 10,000 – 10,449 to be exact – new SARS-CoV-2 infections were reported on Tuesday. The 10,449 new Corona infections were above the average of 8,058 conditions per day over the past seven days. On Tuesday of the previous week, there were “only” 5,937 new infections. Meanwhile, the pandemic activity is also reflected in hospital patients. One thousand two hundred ninety-one hospitalized with Covid-19 meant 143 more than the previous day. 10,449 new…

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“Leaf to Root” – Eat everything from fruits and vegetables?!

Buying sustainably, acting sustainably, and now also cooking sustainably – these are the recommendations that are increasingly being touted and finding more and more followers. So this nutrition trend comes just in time: “From Leaf to Root” describes the idea of eating fruits and vegetables as altogether as possible – that is, “from leaf to root.” In our throwaway society, too many things that could still be used end up in the trash can. This is also the case with fruit and vegetables. Delicious and healthy dishes can be prepared…

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Now new chance to win 150 Euro energy voucher

New edition for an old bonus: Those who missed out on the 150 euro energy voucher now get a second chance to get it after all. The energy voucher was already issued to Austrian households at the end of April and beginning of May 2022. It was intended to curb the rapidly rising energy prices – around 2.6 million vouchers were submitted and reduce the annual electricity bill by 150 euros. However, approximately four million vouchers were sent out – and many citizens probably forgot to redeem the voucher. Or…

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Is it worth buying an iPhone 14?

With the iPhone 14, Apple has delivered the most comprehensive innovations to its phones in many years – at least for the Pro variant. For the regular iPhone 14, most things remain the same. But even here, there are some new features that we hope we’ll never need. The current iPhone comes in 4 variants: The smaller devices – iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Pro – with a 6.1-inch display, and the larger ones with a 6.7-inch screen – the iPhone 14 Plus and iPhone 14 Pro Max. In the…

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5,828 new Corona infections were reported Monday

On Monday, 5,828 new Corona infections were reported in Austria. This is 805 fewer than yesterday and 405 fewer cases a week ago. No more deaths were recorded from Sunday to Monday. That was according to figures released by the Agency for Health and Food Safety (AGES) on Monday. Corona: seven-day incidence on Monday at 575.3The seven-day incidence per 100,000 inhabitants on Monday was 575.3. The province with the highest incidence of this was Upper Austria with 746.1 cases, followed by Tyrol (639.1), Carinthia (602.8), Salzburg (600.2), Lower Austria (554.8),…

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When is spinach poisonous? Simply explained

Spinach is said to be toxic when reheated. While there used to be warnings about the toxicity of spinach, the consensus today is that the amounts of poisonous nitrite produced when reheated are safe for a healthy person. The links marked with a symbol or green underlining are affiliate links. If a purchase is made through them, we receive a commission – at no extra cost to you! More info. Nitrite from spinach is toxic in large amounts.That spinach is classified as toxic is only valid in moderation. To understand…

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For the majority of Austria, the pandemic is over

Corona numbers are rising rapidly again. Nevertheless, according to a survey published by “heute.at” the majority of Austrians believe the pandemic is over. Earlier this month, there were daily infection numbers between 3,000 and 5,000 people. In the past few days, there have been around 8,000 in each case. This is not a problem for the population, as the current question of the week from “Unique Research” for “Heute” (500 respondents, max. fluctuation range ±4.4 percent) shows: Clear resultA full 57 percent consider the pandemic to be over. Forty percent…

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Prices of diesel, gasoline, and fuel oil will increase starting October 1

After a long delay, the Co2 tax will come into force on October 1. Motorists will have to dig deeper into their wallets. On October 1, the government will introduce CO2 pricing. Users of fossil fuels will then have to pay extra for the carbon dioxide emissions they cause – namely 30 euros per ton. Prices rise on Saturday.The tax will also be increased annually. In 2025, it will already amount to 55 euros. For motorists, this means: Diesel will become more expensive on Saturday by 0.09 euros per liter…

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Vienna expands monkeypox vaccination offer

Currently, demand far exceeds the available vaccine against monkeypox in Vienna. Starting next week, however, the vaccination offer will be expanded. The City of Vienna is meeting the robust demand for vaccination against monkeypox (MPX) – more than 2,200 people have already registered for preventive immunization in the federal capital, and interest far exceeds the available vaccine. At the beginning of the coming week, the vaccination offer is extended, announced by the office of health city councilor Peter Hacker (SPÖ) on the weekend. Further monkeypox vaccinations in Vienna are possibleMore…

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