“Lichtermeer” for Ukraine at Vienna’s Heldenplatz: #YesWeCare

On Sunday evening, thousands of demonstrators gathered at Vienna’s Heldenplatz to express their solidarity with Ukraine in a sea of lights organized by the #YesWeCare initiative. With the Outer Burgtor, the first federal building in Vienna was also draped in the Ukrainian national colors of blue and yellow. Sea of lights for Ukraine in Vienna “The war was there, and it was relatively clear that we wanted to do a ‘#YesWeCare’ also for the situation in Ukraine,” organizer Daniel Landau said. He said he knew that many people in Ukraine…

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Costs for coronatests between 4 and 50 Euro

Austria has spent 2.6 billion euros on about 300 million tests in the past two pandemic years. Nearly 300 million tests have been performed since the pandemic began, one-third PCR, two-thirds antigen. The figures include official testing from daily provincial notifications as well as testing in pharmacies, schools and businesses, and those in tourism. The Ministry of Finance recently put the cost of all tests at 2.6 billion euros. This amounts to a lump sum of just under EUR 8.66 per test. In detail, however, the picture is very different:…

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Tomorrow new parking sticker in Vienna will be implemented

Starting tomorrow, March 1, parking must be paid for throughout Vienna. When it comes to the rules, some traps can get expensive. This is something to watch out for. The rush for the Parkpickerl was enormous last weekend. The sticker costs 120 euros per year – is now also required in the districts of Floridsdorf, Donaustadt, Liesing, Hietzing, and all of Simmering. Unlike in the past, the parking sticker will be controlled throughout Vienna from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. starting tomorrow. Until now, people were allowed to stay in…

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How long is one contagious after an omicron infection?

According to a new study, most people infected with omicron were still contagious on day six. Since January 8, infected Austrians and contact persons can be tested for the virus after five days – previously ten days – using PCR. Given the sharp increase in the number of people infected with the Omicron variant and the resulting loss of workforce, there have been calls from the business community and others for the quarantine period to be shortened. Covid crisis coordinator Gecko had advised the government against shortening the quarantine even…

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Corona: 32 infections with the mixed variant “deltacron” in the UK

A mixture of delta and omicron is not causing much concern among experts. Thirty-two corona cases have now been recorded in the U.K., in which a mixture of the Delta and Omicron variants has been detected. The U.K announced this. Health Security Agency this week. The variant, unofficially known as “deltacron, “had been placed on a watch list earlier this month after initial cases emerged. So far, the variant has not caused much concern among experts. Since the infection figures with both Delta and Omicron are falling in Great Britain,…

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23,274 new infections, significantly more than last Sunday

A slight decrease is seen in hospital patients but more in intensive care units. The 23,274 new infections reported Sunday are below the average for the past seven days (26,633) but are significantly more than last Sunday’s 22,075. And while the number of hospital patients fell slightly to 2,368 (down 44), 197 people were cared for in intensive care units, seven more than the previous day. Among the provinces, Lower Austria was in the lead with 5,058 new infections, followed by Upper Austria (4,579), Vienna (4,082), and Styria (3,146). Tyrol…

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Protests around the world against the Russian war of aggression

Around the world, countless people took to the streets again on Saturday to demonstrate against Russia’s war of aggression in Ukraine and show solidarity with the country’s people under attack. In Bern, up to 20,000 demonstrators were counted demanding a more rigid stance by Switzerland against Russia, and in the Finnish capital Helsinki, more than 10,000 people took to the streets. There were also demos in Vienna, Graz, and Linz. Several hundred people demonstrated in New York’s Times Square on Saturday afternoon (local time) against Russia’s war of aggression in…

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2-G Plus continues to apply when visiting hospitals and retirement homes in Vienna

Countless measures to contain the pandemic have been with us for almost two years, and they have changed regularly. While the rules are relaxed in many areas, 2-G Plus continues to apply when visiting hospitals and retirement homes. When visiting Vienna’s hospitals or nursing and retirement homes, you must be vaccinated or recovered, PCR tested, and put on an FFP2 mask. In hospitals, one can enter in exceptional cases with a valid antigen rapid test, such as minors, those in need of support, pregnant women, or hardship cases. Few visits…

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Saturday: 25,972 new infections in Austria

Thirty-seven deaths were associated with Covid 19 infection. The 25,972 new infections reported Saturday by the Interior and Health ministries are below the average of the past seven days (26,462) and slightly lower than the numbers a week ago (26,282). There were 37 Corona-related deaths and slight decreases in hospital numbers in return. The seven-day incidence was 2073.7 cases. There were 275,874 active cases in Austria, down 4,869 from the previous day. Since the pandemic’s beginning, there have been 2,636,258 confirmed cases in Austria. Recovered patients number 2,345,622, with 30,804…

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