Online shopping is booming in times of Corona – and of course also when it comes to Christmas presents: 32 percent of people in Austria are getting their presents exclusively via the Internet this year, which is eleven percentage points more than in 2017, according to a survey conducted by Unique Research for “profil”. A further 25 percent shop both online and in stores – making a total of 57 percent who use the Internet for all or part of their gifts.
According to “profil,” 23 percent want to do their Christmas shopping exclusively in local stores, which is seven percentage points less than in the last survey in 2017. The number of people who don’t give presents at all has also increased in the Corona crisis year: Their share increased from twelve to 16 percent. A total of 506 people were surveyed, with a fluctuation margin of 4.4 percent.
- hp, Source: APA, picture:
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