Vienna to decide on further Corona measures Tuesday

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Vienna’s mayor Michael Ludwig is again consulting with experts and plans to announce further plans in the corona pandemic on Tuesday. The federal capital is currently operating with stricter rules than the rest of the country.
In Vienna should be announced next Tuesday the further steps in the matter of Corona measures. According to information from City Hall available to APA, Mayor Michael Ludwig (SPÖ) will again consult with experts on that day. Afterwards, he will presumably explain the further procedure. Vienna has recently repeatedly imposed regulations that were stricter than in the rest of the country.

Vienna special regulation expires at the end of August
For example, a mouth-nose protection must currently be worn in stores – which is now only required in the food trade outside Vienna. The regulation issued at the beginning of the summer that children in Vienna as young as six need proof of corona in places where the 3G rule applies also caused a stir.

The special regulations in Vienna are valid until the end of August. Now – against the background of rising infection figures – the next steps are being discussed. Ludwig will reportedly meet again with experts from the fields of medicine, nursing or prognostics for a video conference.

1G rule for night catering
It is questionable whether the access restrictions for the unvaccinated, recently recommended by Vienna’s City Health Councillor Peter Hacker (SPÖ), for example, are already being implemented in Vienna. According to reports, this is probably not yet the case, at least not at present. In fact, the federal government has recently also ventilated a 1G rule in night catering for the fall.

Vienna could therefore first wait and see what the corresponding federal regulation looks like. At the same time, however, Ludwig has already pointed out the urgency of the matter. One wants to get people used to certain precautions in the face of another wave already before the fall, he said at an appointment on Friday.

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