Where one still needs the “green passport”

Falling measures seem to make the “green passport” obsolete. But there are facilities where you still need them. Across Europe, measures are falling. Last Monday, Austria lifted all entry rules imposed because of the pandemic. No 3G proof is required when entering Austria, so the “green passport” is currently obsolete. But where do you need it at all at the moment? According to the Ministry of Social Affairs, a 3G certificate is only required where vulnerable groups need to be protected according to the current status. This applies in hospitals…

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Corona: Why are some people not infected?

You may know from your environment that some people do not become infected despite close contact with someone infected with Corona. What is the reason for this? Here’s why:Some people don’t become infected with corona despite risky contactHow many become infected when they have direct contact with the coronavirus? Researchers in Great Britain wanted to test this and confronted a few volunteers with the virus: 34 volunteers were given virus particles and then tried regularly. Eighteen became infected. The rest were spared.In another study, researchers tracked how often infected people…

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Sahara dust and heat up to 32 degrees

Europe has to prepare for Saharan dust once again. At the end of the week, temperatures around 32 degrees are also expected in Austria. According to the European atmospheric service Copernicus, Sahara dust will soon sweep over Europe again. As the EU program announced on Monday, a large dust cloud moves westward over the Atlantic. It should already reach the Caribbean in the coming days. Foothills are also expected over the Iberian Peninsula and parts of Western Europe over the weekend, the release continued. The Atmospheric Service recorded large amounts…

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2,909 new corona infections in Austria on Tuesday

There were 2,909 new coronavirus infections reported in Austria on Tuesday. Across Austria, a total of 18,312 people have died from the coronavirus. Two thousand nine hundred nine new corona infections were reported for Austria on Tuesday, the second consecutive day less than 3,000. Nine deaths were reported again after two days without covid 19 deaths. The number of Covid 19 patients in domestic hospitals continues to decline significantly. Currently, 740 people with corona infections are hospitalized, 58 in intensive care units. New corona infections in Austria by provinceBurgenland: 100Carinthia:126Lower…

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Why is the other lane always faster in traffic jams?

In traffic jams, we have a lot of time to look and think. This one question pops up with fondness: “Why is the lane next to me faster than mine again?”…. But is it? Is the other lane faster? Never. The whole thing is just an illusion with which our brain potentiates its frustration. Donald A. Redelmeier and Robert J. Tibshirani, two renowned traffic jam researchers from the USA, published a study on traffic jams and lane changes in 1999. Among other things, they discuss the many accidents for which…

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Why is there so much pollen this year?

The yellow dust annoys not only allergy sufferers. But why is it so intense again this year? There is always talk of Sahara dust. However, the sand from distant lands does not have a finger in the pie of the current dust problem. It is due to the conifers, or more precisely, the spruces. Since the spruce blossom has started, car owners are complaining and all those who like to make themselves comfortable on the balcony, terrace, or guest garden. Allergy sufferers can breathe a sigh of relief when it…

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Price increases in AK Price Monitor: rice and noodles cost 40 to 65 percent more in some cases

Everything has become more expensive due to the current world situation with the Ukraine war. The current AK Price Monitor shows how devastating the inflation looks in figures for daily purchases. Even inexpensive food is more expensiveEverything has become more expensive recently – inexpensive drugstore goods, food, and cleaning products, but also already more expensive brand products often cost – noticeably – more in a year-on-year comparison online and in stores. This is shown by a current AK price monitor of five online stores and ten chain stores in March…

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Masks still mandatory on planes to Austria

Despite EU recommendations, masks are still mandatory on planes to and from Austria. The vacation season is just around the corner, and just in time for the big travel wave, the EU relaxed the covid regulations for air passengers. Since Monday, mask-wearing can be dispensed at all airports and onboard aircraft. But really, on all planes? Whether or not a mask must be worn on the plane is not dictated by an airline but rather depends on national and official regulations. So what does this mean in practice?According to an…

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2,658 new infections in Austria

From Sunday to Monday, 2,658 new infections were registered in Austria. This is below the 7-day average of 4,210 infections. The 7-day incidence drops to 331.11. In the past 24 hours, 215,539 PCR tests were performed. The positive rate is 1.23 percent. To date, there have been 4,215,150 positive test results in Austria. Today, 18,303 people with SARS-CoV-2 infection have died, and 4,140,792 have recovered across Austria. Currently, there are 56,055 active Corona cases in Austria. 62 in intensive care unitsCurrently, 772 people infected with the coronavirus are receiving hospital…

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