Another 250 monkeypox vaccination dates were unlocked by the City of Vienna over the weekend.
Monkeypox cases in Vienna are on the rise
After all previous monkeypox vaccination dates were booked entirely, the city of Vienna has requested and already received additional vaccine quotas from the federal government. With the vaccine doses received so far, around 2,100 people can be preventively vaccinated against monkeypox by the end of the year. There is still too little vaccine available to work through the entire waiting list.
Approximately 1,856 people in Vienna have received pre-exposure, or preventive, vaccination against monkeypox. Five hundred thirty people have also already received a second vaccination. From the consultations held so far, it has emerged that 83 percent of the people vaccinated for the first time also need a second vaccination. In Vienna, 3,719 people are currently registered for preventive monkeypox vaccination. So far, 236 monkeypox cases have been found in Vienna. Of these, 1 point is still active, and 235 have recovered.
Three thousand seven hundred nineteen persons preregistered for monkeypox vaccination in Vienna.
Based on the binding decree of the Minister of Health, only persons who indicate that they belong to one of the risks mentioned above groups may receive preventive vaccination. Sixty-five percent of the persons registered for vaccination stated that they belonged to one of the risk groups.
Of those who have not yet made an appointment, 44 percent do not state whether they belong to one of the risk groups mentioned. There are still significant reservations on the part of the preregistered persons, as the existing decree still forces them to disclose highly personal information about their private lives to an authority. This situation can only be resolved by rapidly procuring sufficient monkeypox vaccine for Austria, making the decree’s provisions unnecessary.
All information and details about monkeypox vaccination in Vienna
All central information about monkeypox, how it comes to transmission, what the symptoms are, how to contact persons have to behave or and also the question, which groups of people are recommended a monkeypox vaccination, can be found collected on the homepage of the vaccination service of the city of Vienna.
In addition to detailed FAQs, there is also a way to pre-registration for monkeypox vaccination. In addition, there is also a transparent information sheet as a PDF, in which all questions are also answered, available for download.
What to do in case of contact with monkeypox-infected persons
Anyone who has had close physical contact with a person infected with monkeypox or who suspects monkeypox due to related symptoms (especially skin lesions and abscesses) should please call 1450 and discuss further steps in a medical clarification meeting.
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