312 new infections in Austria

In Austria, 312 new Corona infections have been reported from Sunday to Monday. Yesterday there were 332, on Saturday 349 cases, according to figures from the Ministry of Interior and Health. Hospital occupancy of covid patients has risen slightly to 117 patients currently, after a steady downward trend last week (99 patients on Sunday). Thirty-one patients are in intensive care units. Three deaths have been reported in the past seven days, and the pandemic has claimed a total of 10,732 lives in Austria since the outbreak. 641,222 people have recovered…

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Scam: Warning about SMS from fake parcel services

Scams with fake websites are designed to trick users out of money and credit card data. Earlier this week, the police warned of a second big wave with fraudulent SMS , which allegedly come from a parcel service. And that these warnings were bitterly needed, show the current figures. Because the rip-off with the fake parcel delivery SMS including fake links is getting completely out of hand. There are now thousands of people affected in Austria. Many of them are currently contacting the Chamber of Labor (AK). For this reason,…

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Coronavirus worldwide: Rising incidences in Gibraltar despite high vaccination rate, Total of 148 Corona cases in Olympic environment

About 194 million people have tested positive for the virus worldwide, according to Johns Hopkins University. More than 4.1 million infected people have died. About 3.8 billion vaccine doses have been administered worldwide. In Gibraltar, the number of new infections is rising despite high vaccination rates. The Tamedia newspapers report that the seven-day incidence on the peninsula is 600, with new infections affecting both vaccinated and unvaccinated people and largely due to the delta variant. However, the number of severe cases is low. According to official reports, the vaccination rate…

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So contagious is Delta outdoors

It’s hard to catch coronavirus when you’re outside? Apparently, it’s not as safe as it used to be. Festival, European soccer championship, religious gatherings: Recently, corona infections with the Delta virus mutation have been the result in high numbers even after outdoor events. But is that because of the fresh air? “Delta is generally more contagious – that’s also true when you’re out in the fresh air,” said Society for Virology President Ralf Bartenschlager. “It was possible to become infected outdoors even with earlier variants, but the probability of it…

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Hot summer weather continues to previal in Austria

In the east of Austria, temperatures will remain above 30 degrees in the coming week, but according to the ZAMG forecast, the potential for thunderstorms increases every day. According to the ZAMG forecast, it will remain midsummer hot in the east for the next few days. On Monday, residual clouds and local fog will quickly dissipate and for a few hours it will even be sunny everywhere. Starting from the mountains in the west and southwest, however, the tendency for thunderstorms will again increase significantly almost everywhere during the course…

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“No vaccine shortage, but a shortage of people willing to be vaccinated”

Styria, Austria – “Those willing to be vaccinated have more or less been vaccinated off,” sums up Wolfgang Wlattnig, deputy director of the provincial office in Styria. While there used to be 100,000 stings per week, this number has now dropped to half. What experts feared weeks ago has come to pass: “There is definitely no longer a shortage of vaccines, but a shortage of those willing to be vaccinated,” Wlattnig regrets. Although 1.2 million Corona vaccinations have now been carried out in Styria, not all citizens are considered capable…

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332 new infections in Austria

The corona numbers decreased slightly again. In addition, no new death related to Covid 19 infection was reported from Saturday to Sunday. In Austria, 332 new Corona infections were reported from Saturday to Sunday. Compared to the previous week (323 cases), this is a slight increase of 9 cases. This brings the 7-day incidence to 28.48. No new deaths associated with Covid 19 infection have been reported in the last 24 hours. The number of active cases, minus the 151 new recoveries, increases to 4,588 (compared with the previous week’s…

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Anna Kiesenhofer wins gold in cycling road race

Anna Kiesenhofer has won the first Austrian medal at the Tokyo Olympics – and it’s shining gold. The 30-year-old from Lower Austria sensationally took gold in the women’s cycling road race on Sunday after surprising all the favorites with an attack at the start. For the mathematics graduate, who does not pursue the sport professionally, it is by far the greatest success of her career. For Austrian cycling, it is the first gold medal since that of Adolf Schmal in the track 12-hour race at the first Games of the…

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Chancellor Sebastian Kurz with urgent appeal to Austrians

Chancellor Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP) addresses Austrians on Facebook with an appeal in which he continues to urge caution. On Friday, Chancellor Sebastian Kurz spoke on “ServusTV” about the current Corona situation in Austria and also dared to look into the future – with a gloomy forecast! Because according to the head of government, the corona virus will not disappear in the coming years, but will accompany us even longer. “The virus will stay. It will still be there in one year, it will still be there in three years, it…

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