Vienna Energy Bonus 2023: How to get your money

The payout of the Vienna Energy Bonus 2023 has already started.As of April 17, applications for the Vienna Energy Bonus 2023 can be submitted. We explain who is eligible and how you can get the support. Vienna extends “Energy Support Plus“The deadline for applications for the Vienna Energy Bonus 2023 begins on Monday, April 17. Single-person households with a gross annual income of up to 40,000 euros and multi-person households with a gross yearly income of up to 100,000 euros will be supported with 200 euros each. Up to 650,000…

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The recent onset of winter is about to be replaced by summer heat.

The weather remains unsettled; on Thursday, even snowfall is forecast once again. But shortly after, a summer day will blossom for us. Also, at the beginning of the new week, April is moody; in the sphere of influence of an easterly current, it remains changeable and has a maximum average temperature. “Spring just doesn’t want to get going in April this year,” writes UBIMET meteorologist Konstantin Brandes. On Thursday, there should be a brief comeback of the winter roller with snowfall down to just below 1,000 meters. After that, however,…

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SMS continues to lose importance among Austrians

The use of SMS Services continues to decline among Austrians. “In the RTR Telecom Monitor for the 2nd quarter of 2012, we reported the unique peak value for Austria of around 2000 million SMS sent. More than ten years later, it is ‘only’ 284 million SMS sent in Austria in Q3 2022,” Klaus M. Steinmaurer, RTR’s managing director for the Telecommunications and Post Division, said on Friday. The decline is mainly due to the heavy use of messenger services. “The downward trend in SMS services will continue, but they are…

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500-Euro-Bonus – The electricity price brake for business establishments is on the way.

From Monday, the electricity subsidy will be opened to another group of people, who until now would have possibly fallen over for it.Stromkostenzuschussgesetznovelle – what sounds unwieldy will soon bring significant financial relief to numerous Austrians. Because many have so far fallen over themselves around the electricity price brake, which came into force on December 1. How could this happen? Many entrepreneurs have their main residence at the seat of their enterprise. As a result, they draw their household energy via their electricity meter on the one hand and the…

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Austria: Up to 50 litres of rain per square meter since Wednesday

Up to 50 litres of rain per square meter accumulated in Austria from Wednesday morning until noon. But only at low elevations; at higher elevations, the precipitation arrived as snow, Geosphere Austria (formerly ZAMG) reported. Thus, it snowed in large parts of the mountainous region and the Waldviertel. The precipitation amounts so far would roughly correspond to those in an average whole of April, summed up Geosphere climatologist Alexander Orlik. “Around 50 liters per square meter rained, for example, in Klagenfurt, Graz and St. Pölten, around 40 in Bregenz, Salzburg,…

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Weather forecast for the next week: abundant rainfall awaits us

Austria is in for some heavy rainfall. Here is the weather forecast for the next week. In the mountains, it will be wintry again. A low-pressure influence will bring mostly dense clouds already on Friday. It will still rain persistently and sometimes heavily, especially towards the north and east, forecasts from Geosphere Austria. Snow will fall in places to just under 500 meters, but mostly the snow line will move around 1,000 meters. Weather forecast: Only a few sunny windows at the weekendIn the far west, the precipitation will subside…

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20 percent discount for all district heating customers in Vienna

A discount has been fixed for customers of Fernwärme Wien: There is a 20 percent discount on the basic price, explained Finance and Economic City Councilor Peter Hanke (SPÖ). Thus in an average household, approximately 80 euros is saved itself. The city council has recently already held out the prospect of a reduction in district heating. Prices had recently risen massively, with quite a few households paying more than double. At the same time, Wien Energie recorded profits. According to Hanke, a three-digit million amount is forecast as the annual…

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Vienna is soon to be a city of two million inhabitants

Vienna could reach the two-million mark earlier than expected – as early as this year and not just in 2027. This is because the city grew faster last year than in decades. This is mainly due to immigration, and there again, primarily those who fled the war in Ukraine. Vienna once had more than two million inhabitants – the 1910 census counted 2.08 million. “In 2022, Vienna has grown by about 50,000 people, solely due to immigration. Half of that is due to immigration from Ukraine,” Ramon Bauer, head of…

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Useful innovation in the digital office app: certificates now downloadable

With immediate effect, documents such as a birth or marriage certificate can be downloaded via the “Digitales Amt” app.In addition to registering in the app, the prerequisite is possessing a cell phone signature or ID-Austria and paying a fee. According to a dispatch from the Ministry of Finance on Thursday, this new “document service” will also be further expanded. Digital office app: document service to be further expandedThe data of all persons for whom there has been a change in the civil status register since 2014 has been automatically recorded…

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