WHO: climate change saw as biggest threat to health

The WHO estimates that more than 13 million deaths worldwide are due to preventable environmental causes. Moreover, the most significant health threat to humanity comes from climate change. Ideas for a better world “Health promotion can contribute a lot to climate protection. Ditch the car, get on the bike, or eat more plant-based foods and consume less meat,” said Health Minister Johannes Rauch (Greens). “Both prevent disease and protect the climate,” the minister stressed. The Healthy Austria Fund (FGÖ) has included “Healthy lifestyles and climate protection through intersectoral cooperation” as…

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Protection from the fourth Corona vaccine wears off quickly

The fourth dose of BioNTech and Pfizer’s vaccine does lower rates of covid-19 in the elderly. But protection from infection appears to be short-lived, according to a large-scale study in Israel. Protection from the second booster vaccination waned after just four weeks, Israeli researchers showed in their study published Tuesday in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine. Protection against severe disease after the fourth Corona vaccination The protection against serious diseases did not diminish in the six weeks after the vaccination. However, the scientists said further follow-up studies are…

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What you need to know about the new Omicron variant XE

More than 600 cases of recombination from omicron subtypes BA.1 and BA.2 have already been confirmed in the UK. The new variant, called “XE,” was first detected in the United Kingdom as early as January 19 – and more than 600 cases have been confirmed since then. Whether the recombination XE is more transmissible than earlier strains cannot be said. However, initial data would already indicate a 9.8 percent higher growth rate than BA.2, the UK Health Service Agency (UKHSCA) confirms. In short, XE is still slightly more infectious than…

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Validity of the “Green Passport” is extended

The validity of the “Green Passport” will be extended. Health Minister Johannes Rauch announced this on ORF’s “Report.” As to when the extension will apply and for how long, he will announce at the latest at the beginning of next week. Rauch, however, has already assured that no one will have to forego a vacation because of an expiring “green passport” that depicts CoV vaccination or recovery. The minister’s rejection is demanded to expand the exceptions to the CoV test quota. Corresponding desires had become loud for established physicians, lady…

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A vaccine from Austria could protect against omicron

Promising data was provided by a vaccine study at the Medical University of Vienna. A Coronavirus vaccine developed at the Medical University of Vienna (MedUni) has shown in preclinical data that it can be effective against all previously known SARS-CoV-2 variants, including omicron, and even in people who have not yet established vaccine protection (non-responders), a release said Tuesday. The vaccine is a combination of Corona and hepatitis B vaccines. The study was published in the journal Allergy. The antigen-based vaccine, developed at MedUni Vienna under the study leadership of…

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Why is Google called Google?

Brand names abound but rarely do people know the story behind the naming. Today, we turn our attention to our favorite search engine Google and the question: Where does the name come from? Why is Google called Google? Larry Page and Sergey Brin founded the search engine Google when they were still students, but it didn’t have that name. We explain how they decided on the word in a roundabout way. Little child as the source of inspiration The search engine is named after the invention of the American mathematician…

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New Omicron variant XE: How dangerous is the mutation from BA.1 and BA.2?

After the Omicron variants, BA.1 and BA.2 are before the Omicron variant XE. It has now surfaced in the UK. This is what is known about it so far. It is essential to know that the symptoms of Omikron BA.2 can resemble those of a Corona variant. And that’s not all: Hundreds of cases of a new coronavirus variant have now been reported in the UK, which goes by the name XE and is a mutation of the Omicron BA.1 and BA.2 variants. How dangerous is it? Novel Omicron variant…

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Lungs, brain – now Corona attacks these organs too

This virus stops at nothing: scientists have discovered thatSars-CoV-2 can also infect and damage the liver. At the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, researchers at the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE) had already described Sars-CoV-2 as a multi-organ virus that infects and damages numerous other organs in addition to the lungs. Scientists have shown that SARS-CoV-2 directly affects the liver, leading to inflammation and altered metabolic programs in an internationally conducted study. The data were published in the journal Nature. “Elevated liver values in Covid 19 patients had already been…

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Covid-19: New Omicron variant XE discovered in the UK

UK health authorities have yet to determine how much more contagious the new Omikron variant XE is compared to previous strains of Covid-19. A new strain of the Omicron variant of Covid-19 has been discovered in the United Kingdom. According to the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA), it is too early to determine the rate of spread of the XE variant. Insufficient evidence The United Kingdom reported a surge in Covid cases in recent weeks. As of March 22, there were 637 new cases of the XE mutant. UKHSA data…

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