Ukraine refugees: Busy time at Vienna’s Austria Center

129,000 Ukrainian refugees had reached Austria by Tuesday – around 85 percent are traveling to other countries, the Interior Ministry said in a background interview. Nevertheless, a lot is going on in Vienna’s Austria Center. After the federal states, the Vienna police have also started the registration process. On Tuesday, about 4,000 people were registered. While the counseling center in Vienna’s Austria Center is busy, a registration center is being set up at the Messe Wien. Only months ago, people waited in queues for their Corona vaccination. Now primarily, women…

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Daylight saving time begins on March 27

On 27 March 2022, the clock will be turned again: the hands will jump from 2.00 to 3.00 a.m. in Europe. The ball is still in the court of the EU Council of Ministers, which last discussed the abolition of the twice-yearly time change in June 2019; the transport ministers are responsible. Time change should be abolished In March 2019, the European Parliament had voted by a large majority in favor of abolishing daylight saving time as of 2021 – or one year later if there were difficulties for the…

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“Laughter is the best medicine!”…

… This proverb probably never loses its meaning because cheerfulness is a crucial character trait that makes life more substantial and worth living. Unfortunately, many people have forgotten how to keep their zest for life. Even if you have often not been in a cheerful mood due to the pandemic-related restrictions of the past two years, you should not lose your cheerfulness. A smile brings joy, opens hearts, and is healthy. A carefree child is, on average, over ten times more likely to laugh than an adult. In life, many…

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COVID 19: Children show low levels of coronavirus antibodies

According to a new study, children who become infected with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus are less likely to produce antibodies to the virus than adults, despite having similar symptoms and virus concentrations in their bodies. Children also seem to clear the virus from their bodies much more quickly than adults. The deficient antibody levels suggest that children have a more robust initial immune response to COVID-19 than adults and can clear the infection quickly. However, as antibodies are likely protecting against re-infection, it is unclear how well children may be protected…

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“Aktion Familienfasttag” strengthens women’s rights in the Philippines

Action Family Fasting Day – Soup Sunday On Sunday, 13 March 2022, parishes invite people to eat soup together through Aktion Familienfasttag to support women in the Philippines with donations. The benefit event “soup sunday” of the volunteer workers from the parish of Leopoldau in Vienna’s 21st District showed that doing good is a lot of fun and brings joy. Aktion Familienfasttag is a development policy organization that helps to improve the living conditions of disadvantaged women in the Global South and, at the same time, raises awareness for development…

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Opinion: Make peace not war!

Thursday, 24 February 2022: The date will be etched in our history. Powerlessness, terror, horror, having to think the impossible. Inability to act. War after so many years of peace. Corona is not yet over – and already the next threat. Twenty-four hours we see images from Ukraine, Kyiv, and the borders with Poland. Through private media such as films and mobile phone pictures, ideas are more personal and emotional than all the war images that have reached us far from other war regions. People speak to us in our…

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Studies show what junk food does to the body

The term junk food refers to highly processed foods that contain a lot of sugar, fat, and salt. In other words, those foods and drinks that we can’t keep our hands off. Yet there are many good reasons why we should resist. The term junk food originates from the USA and means “waste food. “So it makes it unmistakably clear that we are talking about unhealthy food. The range is broad and includes many foods. Most of them have been heavily processed industrially and contain a nasty mixture of lots…

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Reasons why some people don’t get infected with Corona

After two years of the pandemic, some things still puzzle us. For example, many have experienced having contact with an infected person and still not contracting Corona. How can this be? Researchers from the United Kingdom have investigated what this could be due to and now provide the first results. In the controversial study, volunteers were deliberately infected with the coronavirus. British study: This is why some people are spared from Corona For the past two years, respirators, disinfecting hands, and keeping our distance have been part of our daily…

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Underreported deaths study: possibly three times as many Corona deaths as registered worldwide

Nearly 6 million deaths were recorded in the first two years of the pandemic. However, according to a recent study, there may be three times as many Corona deaths worldwide as officially registered – around 18 million. Official: More than 6 million corona deaths The pandemic may have claimed many more lives worldwide than previously assumed. According to a current study in the scientific journal “The Lancet, “18.2 million more people died between January 2020 and December 2021 than would have been expected in years without the pandemic. Officially, only…

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