Biden: We must prevent a third world war

According to President Joe Biden, a direct military confrontation in Ukraine between the US military and Russian forces must be prevented to avoid a “third world war. “ BIDEN WROTE ON FRIDAY THAT the US military and Nato partners would defend “every inch” of the alliance’s territory united and “with full force. “But we will not go to war with Russia in Ukraine. A confrontation between Nato and Russia is World War III – and something we must strive to prevent,” the Democrat wrote. Ukraine is not a Nato member.…

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“Aktion Familienfasttag” in favor of women in Manila

On Sunday (March 11, 2022) marks the first highlight of the traditional “Aktion Familienfasttag” as “Collection Sunday.“ The main topics are “care” work and empowerment. A particular focus is on women in Manila, Philippines. In addition to the traditional “Suppensonntag” event, this year’s “Aktion Familienfasttag” will also be a media event, announced Catholic Action Austria (KAÖ) on its website. For example, reports were already published in advance about the Philippine aid organization “AKKMA,“ which focuses on networking and mutual empowerment for women’s self-determination in a male-dominated society. “Thanks to the…

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3rd vaccination is better than two vaccinations plus an infection

Infection with SARS-CoV-2, despite having completed two partial vaccinations, protects against severe illness caused by omicron, delta, or other virus variants. But a planned triple vaccination is better. Scientists at the Charite University Hospital in Berlin have found that cross-immunity from disease only occurs if there are more than three months between the second vaccination and the infection. The scientific study has now been published in “Emerging Infectious Diseases” (DOI: 10.3201/eid2805.220271), as reported by the German Medical Journal on Thursday. “Fully vaccinated individuals form cross-neutralizing antibodies after infection, similar to…

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Expert commission warns of the new Corona wave in autumn.

The expert commission on compulsory vaccination assumes that a new and possibly massive corona wave can “very probably” be expected in autumn. If one is not adequately prepared for this, there could again be drastic Corona measures up to and including lockdowns. However, an immediate vaccination obligation is “not necessary” or “not appropriate. “A postponement would have the advantage that the measure could no longer be necessary. Corona wave expected in autumn: Lockdowns also possible According to the experts, their current implementation would only be legally possible for neither vaccinated…

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Valneva vaccine could be available in the second half of April

The Austro-French vaccine manufacturer Valneva considers approval of its Covid vaccine VLA2001 by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) possible by the end of March. Company representatives said that the inactivated vaccine could be available in the second half of April 2022. Many vaccination skeptics wanted to wait for this protection. Another offer in a series of vaccines The offer of the vaccine, which is based on a long-tested and established technology-based on whole inactivated SARS-CoV-2 pathogens, thus joins the now quite comprehensive range of vaccines. In any case, the Valneva…

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Omicron wave: relaxations cause infection figures to rise again

The infection situation in Austria will not calm down in the coming weeks – that is the essence of the Covid 19 forecast and capacity preview of the forecasting consortium, which was published on Wednesday. For the experts, the reason lies primarily in the far-reaching relaxations; after all, as of last Saturday, night catering was opened, the mask requirement was lifted in many areas, and access rules were also largely relaxed. “The current forecast assumes an increase in the incidence of infection, which is driven by the opening steps of…

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Compulsory vaccination in Austria: new decision to be made in three months

Compulsory vaccination against the coronavirus will be suspended. The government decided this in the Council of Ministers on Wednesday. Constitutional Minister Karoline Edtstadler (ÖVP) explained that the duty is not proportionate with the prevailing Omicron variant. A new decision is to be made in three months, as Health Minister Johannes Rauch explained. The basis for the decision is the report of an expert commission. The recommendations contained therein would be implemented “of course, “Edtstadler stressed. The suspension of the obligation is taking place “because many arguments suggest that the encroachment…

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According to experts, about 77 percent immune to Omicron

According to a model calculation by the team around simulation researcher Niki Popper, an estimated 77 percent of the population was resistant to infection with the SARS-CoV-2 variant Omicron, which continues to cause very high infection rates. Due to some question marks about the newer Omicron sub-variant BA.2, the estimate refers to the BA.1 type. The immunization rate against Omicron has increased by eleven percentage points compared to the beginning of February. According to the experts of the company dwh, a spin-off of the Vienna University of Technology (TU), this…

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UN: Over two million people fled Ukraine

More than two million people have fled Ukraine since the Russian invasion. The United Nations reported this in Geneva on Tuesday. According to the UN Organisation for Migration (IOM), a good 100,000 people from third countries were among them. Most of the people had fled to neighboring countries, said a spokeswoman for the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR). More than half of them, over 1.2 million, were taken in by Poland. UNHCR chief Filippo Grandi stressed that the flow of refugees from Ukraine was not abating. Grandi said that the Balkan…

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