Festivals parade: Celebrating the 75th Anniversary of Bilateral Relations between Austria and Philippines

PAMANA (Heritage) parade that featured colorful festivals from the different provinces and islands in the Philippines was held today at the center of Vienna. The march started at Stephansplatz. The occasion of the celebration is the establishment of diplomatic relations between Austria and the Philippines 75 years ago. Under the musical accompaniment of the Musikverein Leopoldau, a popular brass band, Filipino festival parade begun from Stephansplatz and passed through Graben, Schottengasse and across the Ring to Sigmund Freud Park. Arriving at the grounds of Sigmund Freud Park, just infront of…

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Current Migration Report in Austria

At 20.1 percent, the proportion of people not born in Austria is higher than ever before. This is shown by the current migration report.When politicians speak of “dear Austrians, dear people living in Austria,” the current report of the Austrian Integration Fund (ÖIF) shows exactly who is meant. The ÖIF publishes the latest figures on migration and integration.The key points: With almost 1.798 million people, there have never been so many people with a foreign place of birth living in Austria as at the beginning of 2021. This corresponds to…

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28,000 kilos of plastic waste fished out of the sea

Plastic waste is a massive threat to the lives of marine life and birds. Many die in agony because they mistake it for food.The Ocean CleanupIn a test phase, the organization The Ocean Cleanup was able to collect over 28,000 kilos of plastic from the sea, which is subsequently recycled. It’s a mega project that aims to rid our oceans of plastic waste: Founded in 2013, The Ocean Cleanup is dedicated to this mission. Problem point Great Pacific Garbage Patch In nine test collections, the organization was able to fish…

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Who experts: the world is unfair, unjust and divided

According to experts, the Corona pandemic has exposed an unjust, broken and divided world. Countries collectively are not capable of ending the Corona pandemic in the near future, nor preventing a similar pandemic, write the independent experts on the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Preparedness Monitoring Panel. They presented their report Tuesday at the World Health Summit in Berlin. “Covid-19 has exposed a broken world that is unfair, unaccountable and divided,” it says. While the Corona pandemic cost hundreds of thousands of lives worldwide, countries were unable to find a common…

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Number of Catholics worldwide increased by 15 million

The worldwide number of Catholics is increasing, only in Europe there is a downward trend. 1.34 Billion Catholics counted the universal Church at the end of 2019, which was 15.4 million more than the year before, according to the annual statistics of the Vatican information service “Fides” (Thursday). The occasion for the publication is the upcoming World Mission Day on Sunday. The proportion of Roman Catholics in the world population thus rose again slightly to 17.74 percent. Only in Europe was there a significant drop in Catholics of 292,000. A…

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Daylight saving time ends: Shouldn’t the time change be abolished?

On Sunday, the clocks will be turned back by one hour on October 31. But shouldn’t the time change already be history? And what will happen to daylight saving time in the future? In the midst of the still rampant Corona crisis, daylight saving time ends on October 31. The hands of the clocks will be turned back to 2:00 and thus to standard time in Europe at 3:00. Otherwise always good for discussions, the excitement was limited this time – mankind is currently dealing with more pressing issues, the…

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The new Coronaplan for Austria at a glance

The federal government on Friday evening unveiled an expansion of its “phased plan” to curb corona amid increased new infections. Corona plan with “lockdown”The measure targets the unvaccinated and imposes sharp restrictions on them, up to and including a lockdown – both of which, however, will only apply if intensive care unit capacity increases sharply. Currently, the measures remain the same, with Phase 1 of the plan, now expanded to five stages, still in effect. The following is an overview. Stage one of Coronaplan currently validStage one of the framework,…

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Delta sub-variant AY.4.2: large proportion of cases in Vienna

Vienna is far ahead in samples with the corona delta sub-variant AY.4.2 – compared to other provinces in Austria. Ulrich Elling of the IMBA (Institute of Molecular Biotechnology) finds one aspect important among others – and has a “mission to the Federal Ministry” of Health ready.The AY.4.2 variant has appeared more than 30 times in Austria so far. The samples in which AY.4.2 was present account for a large proportion of the samples in the federal capital, with a total of 50 percent of the samples. Ulrich Elling of the…

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30 cases of delta subtype of coronavirus in Austria.

An expert says the delta variant of the coronavirus, AY.4.2, is even “more contagious” than the previous version.A new lineage of the delta variant of the coronavirus, AY.4.2, is increasingly turning out to be “even more contagious than delta,” warns Ulrich Elling, group leader at the IMBA (Institute for Molecular Biotechnology) of the Academy of Sciences. So far, he says, more than 20,000 cases have been reported in the United Kingdom, about 1,000 in continental Europe and “a good 30” in Austria. The only “fair and effective measure” now, he…

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