Two psychological conditions help many people to cope better with corona stress

The pandemic has left many people in a bad state of mind. But those who have two prerequisites have a good chance of surviving the time better. Reduced social contacts, uncertain future prospects, unemployment or economic fears and additional care work due to school closures: It has long been clear that the psychological consequences of the Corona crisis are serious threats and affect all sections of the population. But which type of person copes better with the psychological consequences – and which worse? Tatjana Schnell from the University of Innsbruck…

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“Children of God must not be excluded!” – Pope for the protection of homosexual partnership

ROM. Pope Francis has spoken out in favor of the legal protection of the cohabitation of same-sex couples. Specifically, the 83-year-old Holy Father said this in the documentary film “Francesco” by Russian director Yevgeny Afineevsky.The film was presented in Rome at the film festival. Furthermore, the Argentinean Pope emphasizes: “Homosexuals have the right to be in a family. They are children of God!” Nobody should be excluded or made unhappy because of this. — hp, Source: Picture:

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British researchers want to infect volunteers with the coronavirus

A British study will help develop antidotes and contain the pandemic. To improve research of corona infections, British scientists want to infect volunteers with the virus for the first time. As London’s Imperial College and cooperating institutions announced on Tuesday, the research program will show how high the viral load must be for people to contract the lung disease Covid-19. In this way, the program should contribute to “curbing the spread of the coronavirus, alleviating its consequences and reducing deaths”. The scientists want to find volunteers between the ages of…

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Infectious droplets (aerosols) float longer and further than previously thought

An international research team has re-analysed the spread of tiny droplets. Result: Masks and distance are good, but not enoughAnyone who is infected and sneezes, coughs, speaks or even breathes leaves tiny droplets in the air – the so-called aerosols – which contain the virus. They float for a while and can travel greater distances by air currents. If they are inhaled, an infection can take place – according to current study. In order to break the chain of infection, we keep our distance and wear a mouth-nose protection. However,…

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UNO: Women do more housework and care work than men

According to a UN report, during the CoV pandemic, women worldwide perform about three times as much unpaid domestic and care work as men. According to the report, men worked an average of 1.7 hours per day in the household or caring for relatives, but women did so for 4.2 hours. The difference is even greater in North Africa and West Asia, where women do seven times more unpaid work than men. According to the report, more unpaid work was done during the pandemic than before. “No country has achieved…

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Corona: Discussion about World Health Organization study – how deadly is Covid-19 really?

A study by the WHO has caused confusion: Is the mortality of people infected with corona much lower than assumed? A closer look at the figures reveals a misunderstanding. “New WHO study astonishes even experts – that’s how deadly the virus really is”: Headlines such as these could give the impression in recent days that the World Health Organization (WHO) now considers Covid-19 to be less dangerous. But this is a misconception. What is the study about?The current discussion is prompted by the initial research findings of the renowned epidemiologist…

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Littering in Austria

Littering is the careless throwing away of garbage in nature, in parks or in public spaces. In a recent report, the Federal Environment Agency takes a close look at the littering situation in Austria. 1,000 tons of garbageIn 2018, about 1,000 tons of waste were collected in Austria in 2,774 corridor cleaning campaigns. More than 163,000 volunteers were motivated to do this throughout the country. While the number of items collected has decreased slightly, the number of volunteers has increased slightly. The decrease in the amount of waste carelessly thrown…

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Coronavirus: Over 200,000 deaths in Europe

In the EU and its major European partner countries, more than 200,000 people have now died in connection with Covid-19 disease. As reported on Sunday by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) in its daily updated figures, there have been 200,587 reported deaths to date in the European Economic Area (EEA) including the UK, with almost 4.8 million confirmed corona infections. Most of the deaths were registered in the United Kingdom (43,579), Italy (36,474), Spain (33,775), France (33,392), Belgium (10,392) and Germany (9,777). The figure for Austria…

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Life on Venus: Building block of DNA discovered

Researchers have found the amino acid glycine in the atmosphere of Venus. Glycine is part of the genetic code. Venus is often called the “hellish twin of the earth”. Size and mass are similar to our planet, but over 400 degrees Celsius, a poisonous atmosphere, active volcanoes and acid rain make it – at least for us – hostile to life. Nevertheless, researchers believed to have discovered evidence of life in the form of hydrogen phosphide. Now other astronomers are following suit. They have discovered glycine on Venus, which is…

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