Coronavirus shows: World is poorly prepared for global pandemic

The world is poorly prepared for a global pandemic – according to UN Secretary General Guterres this is shown by the corona virus. The coronavirus pandemic has revealed inadequate health care systems, yawning gaps in social protection, major structural inequalities within and between countries and, above all, “how poorly the world is prepared for a global pandemic”. UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres drew this conclusion in a dossier published on Wednesday. Coronavirus caused more than one million deathsWorldwide, the pandemic has so far claimed more than one million lives and…

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TV Debate – Mike Pence versus Kamala Harris: Corona, the Supreme Court and a more respectful tone

In the TV duel between the vice-candidates there were strong accusations: it was about the pandemic, the role of the Trump government and the Supreme Court. Presenter Susan Page had the debate largely under control. In the first and only TV duel of the candidates for the office of US vice president, Kamala Harris has vehemently attacked the record of the government of President Donald Trump. The senator and campaign partner of Democratic challenger Joe Biden called the president’s corona policy “the greatest failure in the history” of the United…

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CoV crisis could plunge 115 million people into “extreme poverty

The coronavirus-induced economic recession could plunge up to 115 million people into extreme poverty this year. By 2021 the crisis could even push 150 million people below the poverty line, the World Bank warned today. People living on less than 1.60 euros per day fall below the poverty line. Without the outbreak of the pandemic, the global poverty rate would be an estimated 7.9 percent, the World Bank said in a new report. As a result of the crisis it could rise to 9.4 percent. This would destroy decades of…

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NEW INSIGHTS Expert: 20 to 25% of positive tests are non-infectious

The infection is asymptomatic or the viral load is too low. Günter Weiss, infectiologist and director of the University Clinic for Internal Medicine in Innsbruck, has new insights into corona. It is now clear that “20 to 25 per cent, i.e. about a quarter of those tested positive, are not infectious”, Weiss explained to the “Tiroler Tageszeitung” (Wednesday edition). There are various reasons for this, such as the fact that the infections are asymptomatic and the virus load is too low. In addition, the infection could be a few weeks…

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Travel in Europe: measures to be taken when travelling abroad

The following is an overview of the regulations in the Corona crisis that apply to Austrians when travelling to other European countries. Roughly speaking, three categories can be distinguished: entry is possible without conditions. 2. one must show a negative corona test or must be in quarantine for a certain period of time. 3. entry is only possible if you belong to a certain group of people. Recently, many European countries have started to differentiate in their risk assessments according to individual regions, which is why different rules now apply…

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Half of the Viennese do not need a car in their daily life

According to a survey conducted by “Integral Markt- und Meinungsforschung”, the majority of motorists in Austria are dependent on the vehicle in their daily lives. The Viennese are an exception. In the survey, six out of ten people stated that they commute to work or training facilities by car every day. One third even absolutely need the car to make daily trips. Among these people, the emotional attachment to the car is also particularly strong, reported AutoScout24. According to this, for almost 70 percent of them, their own mobile is…

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UNO: Hundreds of thousands of seafarers stuck for months

Around 400,000 seafarers are not allowed to come ashore because of the CoV travel restrictions and some have been at sea for 17 or more months. The UNO Office for Human Rights condemned this as inhuman today in Geneva. International labor standards allow an uninterrupted stay on board for a maximum of eleven months. The office appealed to all governments to find solutions. It also called on companies worldwide that deal with ship cargo to exert pressure. This would affect 90 percent of world trade. Psyche affectedSeafarers on container and…

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Study shows: very few people infect a large number

A team of U.S. researchers analyzed data from Indian health authorities on 85,000 COVID 19 cases and nearly 600,000 of their contacts. 70 percent of those originally infected (index persons) examined did not infect anyone. Eight percent of those infected, however, were responsible for 60 percent of the new infections that were tracked, according to the study. In families, only nine percent of those infected for the first time infected their close contacts. “Contact testing is personnel-intensive and therefore limited in richer countries. In India, the situation is different,” writes…

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Declining figures without strict measures: First city may have reached corona contamination – the price is high

Herd immunity would mean the end of the pandemic and corona restrictions. In a Brazilian city it could be reached already now, as researchers show. Nevertheless, the strategy is not worth copying there. Manaus in Brazil could be the first city in the world to develop a kind of herd immunity against the corona virus. At least that is what a new international study published by researchers on the pre-print server suggests. More than 30 epidemiologists, virologists and physicians have tested thousands of blood donations from the Brazilian cities…

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