Coronavirus worldwide: Netherlands makes 1.5 meter rule mandatory again

More than 258 million people have tested positive for the virus worldwide, according to Johns Hopkins University. More than 5.1 million infected people have died. More than 7.5 billion vaccine doses have been administered worldwide. In Israel, children as young as five have been vaccinated since Nov. 23.In Israel, children as young as five have also been vaccinated since November 23. Faced with record levels of new infections and patient numbers, the Netherlands has made a minimum distance of 1.5 meters mandatory again. Violators face a 95-euro fine, the Justice…

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Europe is once again the epicentre of pandemic: an overview of the regulations

The Covid 19 pandemic is making a strong comeback on the European continent, forcing some countries to reintroduce stricter health measures. Here’s an overview of the regulations in place in different European countries. Austria: Lockdown for the unvaccinatedTough crackdown: Faced with a surge in new corona cases, the Austrian government imposes a lockdown on unvaccinated people, allowing them to leave their homes only for shopping or medical care. In addition, vaccination has become mandatory for caregivers. Netherlands: return of partial lockdownFaced with a significant recovery from the pandemic, the Netherlands…

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Highest Sunday total to date: 14,042 new corona infections

On Sunday, 14,042 new Corona cases were reported in Austria. This is the highest number ever recorded on a Sunday – and is also well above the 7-day average of 13,852. This means that more than 10,000 new infections have been recorded consistently over the past twelve days. There are now 149,444 active cases. Intensive care units are currently treating 528 patients – an increase of four patients compared to the previous day. In normal wards, there are 2,923 patients. In addition, there are 22 new deaths related to Covid…

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Philippines will soon reopen its borders to international tourism

The Philippines will soon reopen its borders to international tourism – but only to fully vaccinated vacationers from “green” countries with high vaccination rates and low infection rates. The National Task Force to Contain the CoV Pandemic is still working on the final details for the rules, presidential spokesman Karlo Nograles said today. “But we are informing the whole world in advance that we will soon open our shores to tourists from countries on the Green List.” There are currently 43 countries and territories on the list, including China, Taiwan,…

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Slovakia reports record number of new infections

The number of new CoV infections in Slovakia has reached a record high. Within 24 hours, 9,171 new cases were added, authorities announced today. This was the first time since the start of the pandemic that the number of detected new infections exceeded 9,000. According to the data, 71 percent of those newly infected were not vaccinated. Nearly 3,000 people were hospitalized for infection. While CoV rules are being tightened and a lockdown is pending in this country, the right-wing conservative government in Slovakia has just backed down from measures…

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Germany’s Health Minister Jens Spahn: “It’s ten past twelve”

Germany’s Health Minister Jens Spahn and Robert Koch Institute (RKI) President Lothar Wieler have painted a dramatic picture of the coronavirus situation. “The momentum is unbroken,” Spahn said today in Berlin. The situation is more serious than last week, he said. “It’s ten past twelve.” Referring to the situation in German hospitals, Spahn said, “We are in a national emergency that also needs a joint effort.” Wieler pointed out that in more than a quarter of counties, the 7-day incidence is above 500, and many hospitals are at breaking point.…

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Delta-Plus spreads rapidly in the UK

The delta subvariant of coronavirus, AY.4.2. is now responsible for more than one in ten new infections in the UK. This is according to the large-scale React study conducted by Imperial College London, the latest results of which were published on Thursday. According to the study, 11.8 percent of 841 sequenced positive samples could be assigned to the AY.4.2. subvariant. In total, PCR tests from more than 100,000 people had been evaluated for the study. According to the findings, the subvariant is probably spreading faster than the previously predominant delta…

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Booster vaccinations essential in fourth wave, experts say

Booster vaccinations across the board can reverse the trend of rapidly rising corona numbers, according to a German corona model calculator. “We see clearly infection-reducing effects in the simulations once about 30 percent of the population has received the booster,” Kai Nagel of the Technical University of Berlin told German media. The prerequisite for this, he said, is to create appropriate vaccination capacities in Germany. “Optimally, we would again, as in the summer, vaccinate at least one percent of the population per day with the booster. If we can achieve…

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Italy rules out Austrian-style lockdown

The Italian government has ruled out a lockdown for the unvaccinated . Infection numbers are under control, so tightening restrictions is not necessary, Regional Minister Mariastella Gelmini said yesterday. “The government has made decisions that allow our country to stay open. In our country, 84 percent of citizens are vaccinated with two doses. The government is following with great attention the evolution of the risk of contagion and is pushing for the third dose. The decisions taken allow us to be reasonably calm about the situation, but it is clear…

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