WHO warns against ending protective measures too soon

The World Health Organization (WHO) warns against the premature end of CoV protective measures. It is premature to consider the virus defeated, WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said yesterday in Geneva. Since the emergence of the omicron variant about a decade ago, nearly 90 million new infections have been reported – more than in all of 2020, he said. “We are now seeing a very worrying increase in deaths in most regions of the world.” WHO said it was concerned that some governments no longer felt it necessary to further…

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Springlike: Semester break with snow and warm temperatures

The onset of winter has brought snow as far as the lowlands. There, however, he will not be able to hold for long. “Already on Friday, we get 10 degrees plus in Vienna. The weekend will also be in double digits,” says meteorologist Roland Reiter of Ubimet. That applies to the entire Danube region. And even in alpine locations, a mild Atlantic current will ensure warm temperatures. And that is expected throughout the coming week, which is a vacation week for children in the provinces of Vienna and Lower Austria.…

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Omicron, and then? Researchers speculate about new mutants

The coronavirus Sars-CoV-2 is likely to evolve sooner or later – new variants may emerge. However, it is only possible to speculate about their properties, the president of the Society for Virology, Ralf Bartenschlager, told Deutsche Presse-Agentur. “But experience shows that as a virus adapts to its host, pathogenicity usually decreases.” Pathogenicity means the ability to cause disease. “It doesn’t mean that this adapted virus no longer makes disease at all, but it is usually less pathogenic.” For example, the new variant Omicron spreads more rapidly than Delta, but causes…

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Novavax vaccination dates delayed

Many people are waiting for the Novavax protein vaccine approved in Austria. Originally, vaccinations with the vaccine were to start in Vienna at the beginning of February. However, the dates are now likely to be delayed by weeks. The reason is problems with the delivery of the vaccine. Originally, it was planned to offer appointments in Vienna already with the beginning of February. Now it is said that the vaccine can only be delivered to Austria at the end of February. The country Austria ordered three million doses Novavax. These…

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New Corona infections in Austria: more than 25,800 cases reported

In Austria, 25,894 new Corona infections reported within 24 hours. Tuesday also brought a new daily record of new Corona infections in Austria. The Interior and Health Ministries reported 25,894 more cases, the most on a Tuesday. A week ago, there had been nearly 1,000 fewer. 24,946 new infections were registered then. Tuesday also saw a new high in actively infected people. 307,212 people are currently confirmed Corona-positive. Since Monday, 24 more deaths have been reported, with 108 deaths in the past week alone. Since the beginning of the pandemic,…

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Booster missing: 235,000 green passes invalid as of Tuesday

Today, Tuesday, Feb. 1, 235,000 green passports in Austria will become invalid because the booster vaccination was not administered within six months after the second vaccination, according to the latest update. Booster possible after only three months as of February 1As of Tuesday, the validity of the Corona vaccination after the second prick has been shortened from nine months to six months. From the expiry of their green passport are still affected as of Monday afternoon 235,245 people, informed the Ministry of Health in response to an APA query. On…

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Italy eases entry rules

As of today, Italy has additional CoV rules that also affect travelers. Those coming from other EU countries need either a negative Corona test, proof of vaccination, or a certificate of recovery. Previously, because of the rampant Omikron variant, everyone – whether vaccinated or recovered – was also required to test. Unvaccinated persons had to spend five days in quarantine. Since early January, Italy has had mandatory CoV vaccination for people older than 50. Now, unvaccinated people in this age group must pay a fine of 100 euros if caught.…

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New presentation for booster vaccinations in the Green Passport

In addition to the entry into force of compulsory vaccination and the shortening of the validity of the Corona vaccination after the second sting from nine to six months, there are other changes as of today. An EU regulation leads to a new presentation of booster vaccinations in the Green Passport. Convalescents who are vaccinated twice after their infection will in future have 3/1 instead of 3/3. Johnson vaccinated people will have 2/1 after the second vaccination and 3/1 after the booster. However, this requires a new vaccination certificate. This…

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Denmark says goodbye to corona restrictions

Despite continuing high numbers of new infections, virtually all Corona restrictions will fall away in Denmark on Tuesday. Mouth-nose protection will then no longer have to be worn in the northern EU country. Also proof of vaccinations, recoveries, and negative tests per Corona passport is no longer necessary. Large events can go ahead unhindered. Nightlife is also allowed to take place again. Covid-19 is no longer classified as a “socially critical disease.” In September of last year, Denmark had already completely abandoned the restrictions. But then new infection figures rose…

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