Italy to relax entry rules starting February

Travelers to Italy can expect relaxed corona entry rules starting in February. Starting Feb. 1, travelers from EU countries will only need either a negative corona test or proof of vaccination or convalescence; travelers from EU countries will only need a negative corona test or proof of vaccination or convalescence when coming to Italy, according to a Health Ministry spokesman. Health Minister Roberto Speranza has signed an order to that effect, he said. The proofs are also called “green passports” in Italy. QR codes for vaccination also apply in Italy.…

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England cancels almost all Corona rules

England repealed most Corona measures on Thursday night. The government now says why that happened. England has lifted most Corona restrictions on Thursday night. For example, the requirement to wear a mask indoors no longer applies, nor does the health passport have to be shown in clubs and at certain large events. The government’s recommendation to work in a home office also no longer applies. Despite the still-high level of infection rates, many Britons welcome the decision by under-pressure Prime Minister Boris Johnson. “I think it’s a really good thing,”…

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EMA gives green light for Pfizer drug Paxlovid

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) has given the green light for Pfizer’s anti-CoV pill Paxlovid. The relevant EMA committee today recommended conditional approval of the drug for use in adults at risk of severe Covid 19. With the approval of paxlovid, six coronavirus drugs are now approved in the EU for different stages of the disease, said EU Health Commissioner Stella Kyriakides. More would follow in the coming weeks. The EU Commission still has to approve the approval, but that is considered a formality. According to Pfizer, the drug is…

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Israel begins fourth vaccination for all at-risk groups

Israel begins fourth vaccination against coronavirus for adults with pre-existing conditions. Affected individuals with risk factors for severe illness from CoV infection, as well as their caregivers, can now be vaccinated again, the Health Ministry announced last night. Also eligible are adults who are at particular risk for infection in the course of their work. This was decided by Director General Nachman Asch. The only requirement for the fourth vaccination is that the third vaccination was at least four months ago. Over 600,000 received fourth doseAsch’s decision only partially follows…

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COVID Traffic light: All of Austria still red

Very high risk of infection continues throughout Austria. The CoV Commission will continue to set the traffic light to red in all federal states today, according to the panel’s working document. The number of infections is rising nationwide, but the southern provinces are now catching up. The risk figure of 862 still shows Burgenland as the “best” province, but it would have to be below 100 to at least get into the orange sector of high risk. The latter currently seems illusory in some provinces, for example, when one looks…

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Over 43,000 new infections in Austria

One record is currently chasing the next. After 34,011 new infections on yesterday’s Wednesday, there is a new high value, which went up again clearly. From Wednesday to Thursday, 43,053 new infections were reported in Austria. This is above the average of the past seven days of 28,526. For comparison, last Thursday there were 24,314 new infections. The number of active cases rises to 267,991.However, today’s number of new infections must be viewed in a slightly different light. Among new infections in Vienna, 6,009 cases were subsequently reported for the…

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Complexity researcher: “In mid-February we expect the peak of the wave”.

The announcement by the federal government that next Monday the lockdown for the unvaccinated will end does not go far enough for the opposition, but also for the social partners. Complexity researcher Peter Klimek, however, believes that retaining these measures makes perfect sense. The peak of the omicron wave has not yet been reached – and thus it is not yet “time to sound the all-clear,” Klimek said on “ZiB2.” The “peak” is not expected until mid-February at the latest; only then will there be more room for maneuver. However,…

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Important Questions and Answers about the present corona situation in Austria

My PCR test is positive. What should I do now?If the PCR test result is positive, the person will be notified of the result via email. From then on, one should remain in self-isolation. The laboratory will forward the test result to the health authority, which will contact the infected person. My antigen test is positive – what should I do?If it took place in a pharmacy or test lane, answer 1 applies. In the case of tests for self-administration, there is an obligation to report a positive result yourself.…

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Miss Saigon, Triumphant Premiere in Vienna

Vienna, 23 January 2022 – Raimund Theatre, Wallgasse 18-20, 1060 Vienna, Austria Sarah Jozelle Magistrado ROJAS. A Review from My Point of View Judging by the almost six minutes standing ovation, the premiere of the musical Miss Saigon was definitely a resounding success. In theatres in Vienna, if the audience loves you, they show it with the deafening applause, ear splitting whistles and yells. My eardrums were definitely assaulted. Christian Struppeck, Artistic Director of Musicals, Vereinigte Bühnen Wien (VBW), or United Stages Vienna, could not have chosen a better venue, the newly…

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