Slovenia also puts parts of Austria on the “red list

After several other European countries, Slovenia has now also put the federal states of Vienna, Tyrol and Vorarlberg on its “red list” for entry into Austria due to rapidly increasing coronavirus infection figures. This was decided by the government in Ljubljana yesterday evening. The travel warning was valid from tomorrow, it was said. Then either a ten-day quarantine after entry or a negative CoV test must be presented. Exceptions apply to commuters and business travelers, among others. — Hector Pascua with reports from

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Almost 470 corona patients in Austria in hospital

The number of Covid-19 patients treated in hospital in Austria increased to 469 patients on Monday. In a 24-hour comparison, 23 hospitalizations were added. 88 patients were treated in intensive care units, four more than the day before. In addition, there were three more deaths, bringing the total number of coronavirus deaths to 790. 556 new infections were compared to 463 recoveries (as of 9.30 a.m.). The number of actively infected persons increased by 90 to 8,590. Of these, 4,538 come from Vienna, 1,196 Lower Austria, 700 Upper Austria and…

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Over one million corona deaths worldwide

The world region most affected by the pandemic is Latin America and the Caribbean. The number of deaths recorded worldwide in the Corona pandemic has exceeded the symbolic threshold of one million cases in total. This is the result of a census by the news agency AFP from the night to Monday, based on information provided by the authorities. According to this, at 00:30 CEST there were exactly 1,000,009 deaths. The number of recorded cases of infection at that time was 33,018,877. The region of the world most affected by…

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Corona rules: What applies starting today

More than 600 people are currently tested positive for the corona virus every day. Politicians are trying to prevent the spread with numerous rules. An overview. The three golden rules apply to everyone and everywhere:Distance, hygiene, mask Family, friends: The majority of new infections now occur at home. All celebrations, private events indoors (not in your own four walls) are limited to 10 persons. Outside, a limit of 100 persons applies. School: The same applies to students and teachers: contacts should be reduced to a minimum. Therefore, a mask is…

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Gastronomy: FAQ about the registration obligation

The regulation on the obligation to register in the gastronomy in Vienna is available. Guests have to fill in their data in a form starting on Monday. This is intended to facilitate the search for contact persons in case of coronavirus infections. The establishments are required to keep the forms for four weeks. How long does the regulation apply?The name, telephone number, e-mail address and table number must be entered. The data may only be used in the case of infection of a guest. The regulation is valid until the…

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Catholic Church issues Corona Rules for Baptism, Wedding, Funeral & Co.

Guidelines have been issued for Catholic celebrations such as baptisms or weddings. Due to the increasing number of infections, the Catholic Church has established new rules for the celebration of baptisms, first communions, confirmations, marriages and funerals. Here are all the details. In order to ensure that the minimum distances are observed during the celebration and when entering and leaving the church, there are, for example, appropriate markings on the paths and seats, but also one-way rules when entering and leaving the church. The guidelines are intended to support parishes…

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Every 15th person tested corona-positive in the last 24 hours!

In the last 24 hours, 9,865 corona tests were performed nationwide – in 662 new infections, every 15th suspected case tested positive for corona virus. Vienna. Today, 662 new infections are compared to 435 newly recovered patients, the highest numbers are again reported from Vienna (279) and Lower Austria (109). Individual assessment parameters are improving slightly due to the successful stabilization this week. For the first time, the reproduction rate has returned to 1.0 – the 7-day incidence/100,000 p.e. has fallen to 41.9 – at the same time, however, the…

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Starting tomorrow – McDonalds offers QR code and forms for guest registration

EVEN FAST FOOD GIANT REACTED QUICKLYGuest registration: McDonald’s relies on QR code and forms Thousands of people visit McDonalds every day: If they take a seat in the restaurant, they should will be registered. Vienna. The fast-food company also had to act quickly when the registration ordinance was published by the municipality of Vienna, as McDonald’s Austria spokesman Willi Baldia explains. “We couldn’t wait for the standard form from the municipality of Vienna, because that simply came too late”. So the graphics department of the Hamburg giant designed its own…

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More than 700,000 infected people in Argentina

In Argentina, more than 700,000 people have already tested positive for coronavirus in more than 700,000 cases. The exact number was reported by the Ministry of Health last night (local time) at 702,484. 15,543 people who tested positive die. The country, with a population of approximately 45 million, ranks ninth in the world in the Johns Hopkins University list, behind the United States, India, Brazil, Russia, Colombia, Peru, Mexico and Spain. Argentina, which has already suffered from an economic crisis, was one of the first countries in Latin America to…

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