29,518 new infections, seven-day incidence rises to 161.1

22.04.2021 – The RKI has registered 259 new deaths related to the coronavirus within 24 hours. And: the Medical Association calls for population testing as in the UK. The overview. Health offices in Germany have reported 29,518 new Corona infections to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) within one day. This is according to figures released by the RKI on Thursday morning, which reflect the status of the RKI dashboard as of 5:05 am. The number of new infections reported may include follow-up reports from North Rhine-Westphalia from the previous day.…

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Gradual return to normality in some countries around the world

Some countries around the world are gradually returning to normality, partly spurred on by successful vaccination campaigns. But experts and governments are urging caution in the face of rampant coronavirus variants. GREAT BRITAINLow infection rates and high vaccination rates: since last week, people in Great Britain have been able to enjoy more freedom. In addition to beer gardens and other outdoor restaurants, hairdressers, stores, gyms and zoos have also reopened. A concert with 5,000 spectators is even planned for early May – without masks and distance, but with a negative…

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Corona crisis: Vienna students back with face-to-face classes starting Monday

Starting next Monday, the same rules as before the strict curfew will apply again for Vienna’s schoolchildren. This was pointed out by the office of Education City Councilor Christoph Wiederkehr (NEOS) on Wednesday. In Vienna, the current Corona lockdown does not end until May 2, but the stricter measures in the school sector will be rolled back a week earlier. Vienna’s pupils back at schoolAs a result, Vienna’s elementary schools and special schools are in full attendance mode, while the middle schools, the lower grades of the Allgemeinbildende Höhere Schulen…

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More Corona vaccinations released in Lower Austria: More than 41,000 appointments booked

In Lower Austria, coronavirus vaccination appointments were unlocked for all over-60s on Wednesday. By 1 p.m., more than 41,000 appointments had been booked. “This means we have reached another milestone today: more than half a million Lower Austrians have already been vaccinated or have booked their personal vaccination appointment,” said LHStv. Stephan Pernkopf (ÖVP) and Landesrätin Ulrike Königsberger-Ludwig (SPÖ). “Our vaccination campaign is gaining momentum,” Pernkopf and Königsberger-Ludwig said, according to the provincial press service: “For the next few weeks until June, we expect another half a million vaccine doses.”…

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Chancellor Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP) speaks out on Facebook, thanking his countrymen

Sebastian Kurz was appointed State Secretary for Integration ten years ago, “and it is a great honor to work for our Austria every day,” the chancellor said on Facebook. In this regard, he said, the last few years have often been challenging and also marked by crises, such as the migration crisis or the Corona pandemic. “But one thing has always been shown: The people in Austria stick together even in difficult times. For that I would like to say thank you!”, Kurz continues to write on his Facebook profile.…

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Corona: 2,523 new infections in Austria

The number of new infections in Austria increased slightly. From Tuesday to Wednesday, 2,523 new cases were registered. This is above the average of the past seven days of 2,329. So far, there have been 600,089 positive test results in Austria. As of today (April 21, 2021, 9:30 a.m.), 9,997 people across Austria have died as a result of Corona virus – there have been 38 new deaths within the last 24 hours. Current figures in the federal statesBurgenland: 68Carinthia: 147Lower Austria: 351Upper Austria: 487Salzburg: 195Styria: 384Tyrol: 264Vorarlberg: 106Vienna: 521…

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Austria won’t use Sputnik until it receives EMA approval

In Austria, “Sputnik V” will only be vaccinated after EMA approval; emergency approval, as in Hungary, is ruled out, according to the government. However, the government agrees on a purchase. The government agrees to purchase one million doses of the Russian vaccine Sputnik. This was announced by Chancellor Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP) on Monday. However, the vaccine is unlikely to be used until it is approved by the European Medicines Agency. Health Minister Wolfgang Mückstein (Greens) hinted at this on Monday after his inauguration. The Chancellor’s Office also stressed that the…

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RKI registers 24,884 new infections in Germany

Health departments in Germany have reported 24,884 new corona infections to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) within one day. This is according to figures released by the RKI on Wednesday morning, which reflect the status of the RKI dashboard as of 05:10. The number of new infections reported may include follow-up reports from North Rhine-Westphalia from the previous day. A larger number of reports from the NRW health offices had previously not been transmitted in full on Monday evening and Tuesday due to technical difficulties. According to RKI data, 331…

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Miniter Boris Johnson warns of third wave in the UK

Despite low case numbers, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson fears a third wave of coronavirus infections in his country this year. That is the firm view of most scientists, he said at a press conference yesterday. No different course on opening stepsAt the moment, however, there is nothing to indicate that the roadmap for easing measures cannot continue as planned, Johnson said. All contact restrictions are to be gradually lifted in England by June 21. To better contain future outbreaks, the use of different medications will also be tested on…

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