Almost 6,000 new Corona infections and eight fatalities on Wednesday

Five thousand nine hundred ninety-one new Corona infections were added in Austria within 24 hours. That’s above the previous seven-day average of 4,955 positive tests but below the 6,760 from last Wednesday. According to the Interior and Health Ministries, eight more deaths mean 18,279 pandemic victims so far, but this still lacks subsequent reports announced in mid-April. There were still 872 infected people in the hospital, 53 fewer than the previous day. Among them are 78 intensive care patients (minus one). Burgenland added 283 registered infections, Carinthia 191, and Lower…

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Opinion: Why suddenly everyone is voting for Marcos again

The son of the former Philippine president Ferdinand Marcos Jr. is far ahead in the Philippines after the election. He also has young people to thank for his success. Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos was 28 years old when his family was flown out of the Philippine presidential palace by helicopter in 1986. When millions of demonstrators during the People Power revolution chased his father out of office: Ferdinand Marcos Senior, who had ruled the Philippines  for years Thirty-six years later, on Monday evening, the day of the presidential election in the…

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This is why going to the bathroom with your smartphone is not a good idea

Smartphones enjoy great popularity among many people. It has to always be with them, even on the toilet. The days when men disappeared into the bathroom with the newspaper have had their day: now it’s time for the smartphone to replace the daily paper. However, cell phones have no place in the bathroom. Germs and bacteria on the cell phoneIf you take your cell phone with you to the bathroom, you need to be aware that this gives germs and bacteria the perfect opportunity to cavort and multiply on your…

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Nomophobia: new widespread disease of the digital age

Do you suffer from withdrawal symptoms when you leave your cell phone? And can’t take it out of your hand even when watching TV? Then maybe you have nomophobia. Most of us know that we all spend far too much time glued to our digital devices. Especially when we’re working from home, it’s easier to answer a quick e-mail or send a WhatsApp message to a colleague. But this constant stress is not suitable for our bodies. Doctors call nomophobia the new widespread disease of the digital age. What is…

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Weather: 30-degree mark will be reached earlier in Austria

The first 30 are measured on average one and a half weeks earlier than a few decades ago, as an evaluation of the Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics (ZAMG) shows. This year, according to the experts, it should be the middle of the week. Although the date in mid-May corresponds to the average of the past years, about 40 years ago, this would have been an earlier date. “In 1961 to 1990, the 30-degree mark was reached on average on May 30, with a typical range of fluctuation from…

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4,022 new corona infections in Austria on Tuesday

There were 4,022 new Corona infections in Austria, it was announced Tuesday. This was almost below the 4,000 mark. There are more than a thousand new Corona cases in Vienna. Four thousand twenty-two new Corona infections have been reported in Austria within one day until Tuesday (as of May 10, 9:30 a.m.). That’s fewer than precisely a week ago, and the seven-day incidence per 100,000 population fell below 400 to 395. Covid deaths rose by 22 to 18,271, but the total still lacks follow-up reports announced in mid-April. In hospitals,…

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Election in the Philippines: Marcos Jr. heads for victory

According to preliminary unofficial figures, Ferdinand Marcos Jr. has won the presidential election in the Philippines. In the Philippines, the family of former president Ferdinand Marcos Sr. is poised for a comeback. According to several news agencies, Ferdinand Marcos Jr, known as “Bongbong,” is likely to have won the election – that’s what preliminary figures suggest. According to unofficial results Tuesday, Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. got more than twice as many votes as his fiercest rival, opposition leader Leni Robredo, after counting 96.55 percent of the votes cast. In third…

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Almost 30 degrees, but also “violent” thunderstorms are approaching.

This week, Austria’s temperatures will rise to over 30 degrees. However, weather experts also warn of thunderstorms. Today, Tuesday shows its early summer side. The sun will shine widely, any early fog will quickly dissipate, and a few veil clouds will hardly spoil the friendly impression. From noon on, spring clouds will form in the mountains and hills, but mostly it will remain dry. Only isolated rain showers or thunderstorms are possible from the Koralpe over the Grazer Bergland to the Schneeberg. With little wind, temperatures will rise to 20…

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BA.4 brings more corona patients to the hospital again

While hospitalizations due to coronavirus are declining again in Austria, the BA.4 and BA.5 subvariants have picked up speed in South Africa. Variants BA.4 and BA.5 are rising exponentially in South Africa, causing hospitalization numbers to spike. First cases also in Austria. “The fifth wave has arrived. Watch out!” warned the Centre for Epidemic Response and Innovation (CERI) in Stellenbosch, South Africa, a few days ago.  Since mid-March, the numbers of new infections in the republic have again been rising exponentially, and in the meantime, the omicron subvariants BA.4 and…

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