On Wednesday, six thousand six hundred eighty-nine new Corona infections were reported in Austria. More than 1,000 Corona-infected people were in the hospital, 59 in intensive care units.
Coronavirus spread in wastewater decreases
The 6,689 new Corona infections reported by the Agency for Health and Food Safety (AGES) on Wednesday are above the average of 4,786 cases over the past seven days.
1,055 Corona patients hospitalized
The hospital treated 1,055 infected people Wednesday morning, 103 more than a week ago. Fifty-nine affected individuals required intensive care. On the day, five covid deaths were added; so far, the pandemic in Austria has claimed 21,247 lives.
Corona traffic lights in Austria are yellow and green
The Corona Commission assessed Austria’s situation as “low risk” on Wednesday. The Corona traffic light is, therefore, yellow-green. The provinces of Burgenland, Carinthia, Styria, and Tyrol were also rated as “low risk.” In Upper Austria and Vorarlberg, there is even “very low risk” (green), while in Lower Austria, Salzburg, and Vienna, there is “medium risk” (yellow).
- source: vienna.at/picture: pixabay.com
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