Fresh snow! Ice Saints bring weather chaos to the country

Pleasant temperatures and sunshine in the east, rain and thunderstorms in the west – already in the past days, the weather in Austria played crazy. With the start of the Ice Saints, snowfall and minus degrees on the Turracher Höhe (Carinthia) make the weather chaos in Austria perfect. Similar temperatures were also measured in Wolfsberg. The reason for the drop in temperature is an Italian low, which will get more and more influence over the weather in Austria in the coming days. Also, on the weekend, there is no improvement…

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Austria: Government sets measures against inflation

The government presented a package against inflation on Wednesday. The main issue is the price of energy, but also food. The measures are intended to put the onus on corporations. It is a thorn in the government’s side that falling wholesale prices for electricity and gas are hardly passed on to end customers by energy companies while, at the same time, high profits are being made.As he announced on ORF’s “Report,” Social Affairs Minister Johannes Rauch wants an energy package to be decided before the summer and to take effect…

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ÖBB to increase ticket prices in June

As of June 11, 2023, you will pay more for ÖBB tickets in 1st and 2nd classes. According to the company, cost pressure makes the increase necessary. Train travel will become more expensive from June. According to a statement, Austrian Federal Railways (ÖBB) will raise ticket prices in 1st and 2nd classes by 5.8 percent as of June 11, 2023. ÖBB ticket prices are more expensive as of June 11The dynamic pricing system will remain in place, meaning the earlier tickets are purchased, the cheaper. The following price adjustment will…

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Internet speed in Austria lags behind other countries

Austria still lags significantly behind other countries when it comes to Internet speed. As the speed test of the U.S. Internet company Ookla shows, Austria ranked only 56th internationally for stationary Internet connections in March. This was well behind other European countries such as Spain, France, Switzerland, Hungary, Portugal, Sweden and Finland. In terms of mobile Internet, Austria was in the 21st place. The front-runner was Singapore, with a download speed of 235.4 megabits per second (Mbps). It was followed by the United Arab Emirates (221.87), Chile (220.39) and China…

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This week’s Weather in Austria: cloudy with a tendency to showers

According to Geosphere Austria’s forecast, Austria will start the week with sunshine, especially in the east and north. In the west, however, it will be rather cloudy with a tendency to showers. From Wednesday, there will be dense clouds. Tuesday is expected to be the warmest day of the working week with 23 degrees Celsius, then it cools down again, but around 18 degrees are still possible until Friday. Still, from Wednesday again, increasing rain showers are forecast. The weather this week is characterized by a lot of rainOn Monday,…

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Hospital-acquired infections: Thousands dead from hospital germs in Austria

Between 4,500 and 5,000 patients die annually in this country from bacterial infections caused by hospital germs. These deaths could almost certainly be prevented by correct hand disinfection in hospitals, the Semmelweis Society stressed on the occasion of World Hand Hygiene Day on Friday, March 5. Hygiene must not be underestimated.The increasing prevalence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria means that many of these infections can no longer be adequately treated, it said. Alcohol-based disinfectants“At home, simply washing hands with soap is enough, but in healthcare facilities, hands, instruments, and surroundings must be…

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Mother’s Day gifts: Austrians want to spend an average of 72 euros

On average, Austrians want to spend 72 euros for Mother’s Day 2023 on May 14. In particular, flowers (36 percent), chocolate (14 percent) and non-material gifts such as excursions (twelve percent) are in high demand, according to a survey by the trade association together with the market research institute Mindtag Research, which was announced in a release on Thursday (as published by In total, Austrians are likely to spend around 240 million euros on gifts for Mother’s Day. “This makes Mother’s Day an important sales driver, especially for the…

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Summer is here: 25-degree mark cracked

Yesterday, Thursday, the mark of 25 degrees was reached or exceeded for the first time this year across Austria at the weather station in Innsbruck, thus registering the first summer day of the year. The first summer day is thus somewhat later than the long-term average. After already April, it was balanced in comparison to the long-term average by about 2 degrees too cold, according to the experts of the Austrian Severe Weather Center ( Also, the first summer day of 2023 was reached somewhat later than the long-term average,…

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Summer vacation this year will be expensive

The summer vacation of 2023 will go really in the money. As early as January, Helga Freund, CEO of tour operator Ruefa, predicted that travel in 2023 would be eight percent more expensive on average. Gottfried Math of the competitor Tui strikes into the same notch: On the average, the prices are with Tui Austria over the entire Portfolio ad around,d eight percent more highly than in the past year.” We remember that prices were already absurdly high in 2022. This year it is still worse. There are many reasons…

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