Austrians increasingly relaxed about coronavirus

In Austria, the willingness to accept restrictions to fight the pandemic is reducing. This is shown by the latest round of the “Corona Sentiment Barometer” conducted by the Gallup Institute. In it, nearly half of respondents said they thought the threat posed by the coronavirus was exaggerated. Regular Corona mood barometer The Gallup Institute began surveying common public sentiment about the corona crisis before the first lockdown in March 2020. At that time, most people in Austria were still quite relaxed: 53 percent agreed with the statement “that the danger…

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Vaccination after COVID infection significantly lowers the risk of re-infection

It was already known that previous illness with Covid-19 does not permanently protect against reinfection. Therefore, health authorities in the USA, Europe, and England advise those who have recovered to refresh their immunity. Two recent studies now show a significant decrease in reinfection rates when natural immunity is boosted by a vaccine, the New England Journal of Medicine reports. Israeli epidemiologists evaluated data from 149,032 patients infected during Israel’s first two waves of disease. Of these, 83,356 Israelis had responded to a call from the Ministry of Health and had…

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UN condemns the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

On Wednesday, the United Nations General Assembly condemned Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and called on Russia to end its aggression. The vote, taken by a large majority, cannot be blocked by a veto from one of the Security Council countries. 141 UN member states voted in favor of a resolution to this effect in New York. Thirty-five countries abstained, 5 opposed the resolution. Austria had also announced that it would vote in favor. Before the largest body of the United Nations with 193 members, the Western allies wanted to make…

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With the Pope through Lent

The ash cross is considered a sign of repentance and conversion: a text message from the Holy Father. “Remember, man, that you are dust, and you will return to dust,” the priest says as he blesses the faithful today. Today’s Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the forty days of Lent in the Western Church. Its name comes from the custom of Christians drawing a cross with ashes on their foreheads on this day as a sign of repentance and conversion. The time commemorates the 40 days Jesus spent fasting…

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Long queues at border crossings

According to the United Nations, nearly 700,000 people have left Ukraine for neighboring countries since Thursday’s Russian invasion. According to the government in Warsaw, kilometer-long lines are entering Poland, and people have to wait up to 60 hours, although waiting times have been shortened. The U.N. said that queues at the border with Romania are up to 20 kilometers long. Most people are fleeing west to neighboring countries such as Poland, Hungary, and Slovakia. The number of refugees is growing “exponentially,” a spokeswoman for the U.N. refugee agency (UNHCR) said…

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Civil Defense Association of Lower Austria urges people to take precautions for general emergencies

The Civil Defense Association of Lower Austria urges people to take precautions for general emergencies. Elevated radiation levels around the ruins of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant had recently alarmed the population. According to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), there was no cause for concern. The reason was radioactively contaminated soil stirred up by the Russian military’s capture of the accident reactor. At present, there is no acute danger of a radioactive incident, but the As an example, the creation of a food stockpile was mentioned. The main task…

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Novavax launch: What you should know about the new Corona vaccine

Vaccinations start this week with the protein vaccine. The most important questions and answers. It is vaccine number five against the new coronavirus: this week, the Covid vaccinations prepare Nuvaxovid of the U.S. company Novavax. 1.1 million doses have arrived in Austria so far – in a warehouse of one of the member companies of the Association of Pharmaceutical Wholesalers (Phago). Currently, delivery to the provinces is already in full swing. In total, the Ministry of Health has ordered 3.1 million doses for the first quarter of this year. Several…

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“Lichtermeer” for Ukraine at Vienna’s Heldenplatz: #YesWeCare

On Sunday evening, thousands of demonstrators gathered at Vienna’s Heldenplatz to express their solidarity with Ukraine in a sea of lights organized by the #YesWeCare initiative. With the Outer Burgtor, the first federal building in Vienna was also draped in the Ukrainian national colors of blue and yellow. Sea of lights for Ukraine in Vienna “The war was there, and it was relatively clear that we wanted to do a ‘#YesWeCare’ also for the situation in Ukraine,” organizer Daniel Landau said. He said he knew that many people in Ukraine…

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How long is one contagious after an omicron infection?

According to a new study, most people infected with omicron were still contagious on day six. Since January 8, infected Austrians and contact persons can be tested for the virus after five days – previously ten days – using PCR. Given the sharp increase in the number of people infected with the Omicron variant and the resulting loss of workforce, there have been calls from the business community and others for the quarantine period to be shortened. Covid crisis coordinator Gecko had advised the government against shortening the quarantine even…

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