Pope Francis: “Let us not forget: War is madness!”

Pope Francis has spoken out in a Russian tweet about the war in Ukraine. “Every war leaves the world worse than it found it,” the head of the Catholic Church wrote Friday on the online service Twitter. “War is a failure of politics and humanity, a shameful surrender, a defeat in the face of the forces of evil.” From a 2020 encyclical by the pope, the quote was shared on Twitter in the usual languages of Italian, Portuguese, Polish, French, English, Spanish, German, and Arabic – and, for once, Russian.…

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Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer: “There is war again in Europe”.

Chancellor Karl Nehammer stated on the occasion of the events in Ukraine. “There is war again in Europe,” Karl Nehammer declared during his statement on Thursday on the occasion of the events in Ukraine. It is thanks to Russia that “we have been freed from Nazi terror,” Nehammer said. “At the same time, we are now seeing Russia choose a path that we deeply reject,” the chancellor explained. He said the strength of the law applies, not “the law of the strongest.” European history is written in blood, he said.…

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Corona deaths: More than five million children lost close relatives

According to a study, at least 5.2 million children and adolescents worldwide have lost a parent or caregiver in connection with the Corona pandemic through last fall. Their number thus exceeds the five million Corona deaths recorded during the 20-month study period (March 2020 to October 2021), international researchers found and announced Thursday in the journal Lancet Child Adolescent Health. That means that for every Corona death, more than one minor has lost a parent or guardian. For their evaluation, the scientists, who work at Imperial College in London and…

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Austrian President Alexander Van der Bellen: Black day for Europe

In urgent words, Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen called for peace in light of the Russian attack on Ukraine. “Today is a black day for Europe. But it is, above all, a black day for peace and for the people of Ukraine,” the president said in a televised address broadcast yesterday evening. He said the Russian army attacked Ukraine with an all-out military operation by land, air, sea, and digital means. “The aggressive attack in violation of international law has put Europe, has put the world in a most…

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WHO: Omicron subvariant BA.2 likely to have same severity as BA.1

According to the WHO, the omicron variant BA.2 does not lead to severe disease more frequently than the type BA.1, which has predominated worldwide to date.”We don’t see any difference (…) in terms of risk of hospitalization,” said Maria Van Kerkhove, the WHO expert in charge of Corona. The results of an initially uncross-checked study with hamsters had suggested a higher risk of the pathogen. In Denmark, subtype BA.2 currently accounts for the most significant proportion of new infections. Two omicron infections in quick succession are possibleThe BA.1 subtype of…

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New corona drug: new hope for the unvaccinated

In the continuing raging controversy over mandatory vaccination, Health Minister Mückstein now presents a new Corona drug as “hope” for the unvaccinated. Soon the antibody-drug “Evusheld” for protection against COVID-19 will be available in Austria. Health Minister Wolfgang Mückstein announced a news release Wednesday. “For people who cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons or for whom vaccination does not work, Evusheld offers an alternative to the Corona vaccine,” he said. He said he is glad to offer a protection option to this vulnerable group. His department recently signed the relevant…

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The CT value in positive PCR tests

The omicron wave is rolling through many families – and continues to puzzle in individual cases. Some remain asymptomatic, while others are plagued by fever and other symptoms. And still, others are not infected at all, despite positive points in the household. Some explanations are based on the CT value in positive PCR tests, which reflects the viral load in the mouth and throat. Some test providers now report the CT value in the event of a positive PCT test. It indicates how many steps are needed to amplify the…

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Pope: “Doctors and nurses are heroes”

The pope thanked health care workers at Sunday’s Angelus prayer. “We must think of the many doctors, nurses and caregivers, the volunteers who stay by the side of the sick, treat them, make them feel better, help them,” the pope said. “In case of illness, we need someone to save us, to help us, and the heroic health workers show their heroic deeds in the time of the pandemic. Heroic deeds, however, exist every day. A round of applause and a big thank you to our doctors, nurses, and caregivers,”…

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Corona relaxations in other european countries

Despite continuing omicron wave, there are many relaxations in many countries in Europe. Italy even dares to look ahead to summer. The stable situation in intensive care units and hospitals prompts many countries in Europe to ease up. Still, policymakers stress that the pandemic is not over and restrictions may return, depending on the health care situation—a round-up of our neighboring and vacationing countries. GermanyThe 16 German states decide for themselves which Corona measures will fall. However, the German government is following a plan. Starting March 4, instead of 2G,…

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