Virologist warns: Omicron not “mild”

German hospitals are heading for very high numbers of corona patients again, according to Munich virologist Oliver Keppler. The scientist believes that the force of the wave of infections will be reflected in the clinics. “A downplaying of Omicron would therefore be fatal, the classification as “mild”, which can often be read, I consider to be fire dangerous,” said the head of virology at the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich. “In the U.S., we see a monstrous infection event with up to a million new cases of infection a day,”…

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Fear of infection with omicron variant is high

The omicron variant worries Austrians, according to a survey. The majority of respondents adhere to Corona measures to prevent possible contagion. As a survey conducted by the opinion research institute Unique research for the current issue of the news magazine “profil” shows, the majority of Austrians do not want to be infected with the Omicron variant under any circumstances. Austrians for the most part adhere to Covid measuresWhen asked about their personal behavior, 50 percent say they continue to strictly adhere to all measures because they “absolutely do not want…

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Expert warns against bananas for breakfast

Bananas are a good source of vitamin B6 and provide ten percent of the recommended daily intake of vitamin C. However, experts advise against eating just one banana for breakfast. High fructose content leads to cravings, fatigue and loss of concentrationBanana fans need not be sad, the solution lies in the combinationThis is how bananas become a real energy kick on the breakfast table Bananas for breakfast – pure or in muesli: For many people, fruit in the morning is a matter of course that contributes decisively to a healthy…

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New omicron subvariant spreads in Europe

The omicron subtype “BA.2” is spreading rapidly in Norway, Sweden and Great Britain and has already overtaken the previous omicron variant BA.1 as the dominant form in Denmark. Not much is known yet about the once again modified variety, as geneticist Ulrich Elling explained. However, the mutability of the SARS-CoV-2 pathogen shows that only the broadest possible immune response will pave the way to the longed-for endemic. BA.2 has also already been detected in Austria through the systematic analysis of samples from sewage treatment plants, as the head of the…

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Corona variants: Omicron is probably not the end

The Omicron-Covid-19 wave is probably not the end. There are already other variants of this SARS-CoV-2 mutation as well. “We are in a highly dynamic event,” said expert Andreas Bergthaler (MedUni Vienna/Center for Molecular Medicine; CeMM) in an online physician training session on Wednesday evening. In the therapy of Covid-19, most monoclonal antibodies had lost their effect again due to the constant mutation of the pathogens, he said. “From the beginning of the (SARS-CoV-2) epidemic, we have been constantly surprised. We are now at as many cases (of infection; note)…

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Corona: Valneva vaccine to neutralize omicron

Good news on the vaccine produced by the Austro-French company Valneva. Its vaccine is also expected to neutralize the Omicron variant, according to a recent announcement. This is according to the results of an initial laboratory study. Responsible for the neutralization were “serum antibodies” formed after three doses of Valneva’s inactivated Covid-19 vaccine candidate VLA2001, the group statement said Wednesday. Valneva vaccine to neutralize omicronSo-called serum antibodies are antibodies derived from serum as well as a blood component obtained after clotting. For the study, sera from 30 participants in the…

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Expert already sees further variants after Omicron

The Omicron wave is probably not the end. There are already other variants of this SARS-CoV-2 mutation as well. “We are in a highly dynamic event,” said expert Andreas Bergthaler (MedUni Vienna/Center for Molecular Medicine; CeMM) in an online physician training session yesterday evening. In the therapy of Covid-19, most monoclonal antibodies would have lost their effect again due to the constant mutation of the pathogens. It is also completely unclear how much longer the world will have to contend with SARS-CoV-2 in its various variants, said Bergthaler, who recently…

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What are sensible measures and solutions against climate change?

Everyone can contribute to climate protection! True to the motto “avoid, reduce and compensate”, we can take responsibility for our own ecological footprint, i.e. also for our CO2 emissions. The most important everyday causes of harmful emissions include travel by car or plane, but also heating and electricity consumption, as well as our own consumer behavior. Below you will find some tips on how to reduce your own ecological footprint and CO₂ emissions with simple measures and thus contribute to climate protection:  Use public transport such as the train or…

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WHO chief warns: pandemic “is far from over”

The head of the World Health Organization (WHO), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, has issued a strong warning against downplaying the Omicron variant of the coronavirus. “Make no mistake, Omicron is causing hospitalizations and deaths, and even the less severe cases are flooding health facilities,” Tedros said Tuesday. The Corona pandemic “is far from over,” he said. “Omicron may be less severe on average, but the narrative that it is a harmless disease is misleading (…) and costs more lives,” the WHO chief said. He also said that because it is so…

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