Government announces new rules: First measures already from Wednesday

There will be no more lockdown for vaccinated citizens. This has already been announced by Chancellor Sebastian Kurz on Monday evening in the ORF summer talk. Instead, there will be tough measures only for the unvaccinated – to protect them and the health system from being overburdened. For example, there will be a FFP2 mask obligation for unvaccinated in the trade. After a meeting with state governors, the federal government today, Wednesday, unveiled the whole “toolbox” – all the measures that are planned. Essentially, a phased plan will apply, based…

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WWF study: plastics cause 1.8 billion tons of CO2 annually

Plastics not only pollute the oceans or harm health as microparticles, they also cause 1.8 billion tons of greenhouse gases each year.Microplastics measured in the DanubeThey also cause billions in follow-up costs. If plastic were a state, it would be “the fifth largest CO2 offender worldwide,” a WWF release said Monday on the findings of a study with the self-explanatory title “Plastic: The Costs To Society, The Environment And The Economy.” Plastic caused costs of 3,100 billion euros in 2019The consequential costs of plastics on society, the environment and the…

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Corona: Variant Mu has already left its mark in Austria

The coronavirus variant Mu is spreading. It is now Colombia’s dominant viral strain and is behind most corona deaths, according to Marcela Mercado of the state health agency.Mu resistant to vaccination?The World Health Organization (WHO) recently classified Mu as a “variant of interest” and warned of possible resistance to vaccines. Mu causes deadliest corona waveMu is responsible for the deadliest wave of the Corona pandemic in Colombia to date, Mercado told a local radio station. Not only that, “It’s now in at least 43 countries and has shown itself to…

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Consultation on further measures against the spread of the coronavirus in Austria to be held on Wednesday

On Wednesday, 8. September 2021, the government will consult with the provincial governors on further measures against the spread of the coronavirus. The number of new infections has recently increased significantly, also in the hospitals have to be treated in the normal and intensive care units again significantly more Covid-19 patients. Meanwhile, the pace of vaccination has slowed considerably, with initial vaccinations in particular making slow progress over the past few weeks. Figures from the Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety (AGES) show significantly higher incidences among the unvaccinated.…

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What does it mean to get infected or sick despite Corona vaccination?

Although even vaccinated people can become infected with the coronavirus, the shot helps them. In any case, they are less likely to get sick. Received the full Corona vaccine and still infected or even sick: the number of such vaccine breakthroughs is increasing and unsettles many people. But such infections are not a sign that the shots are not working, as experts point out. Vaccinated people would still have a significantly lower risk of falling ill or even dying. In fact, in view of such infections of vaccinated people, it…

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Delta does not cause severe courses in children

The delta variant of coronavirus does not cause more severe courses of covid-19 in children, according to initial findings. A study by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows that the proportion of severe courses of disease in children is currently not significantly different from that in January, when the alpha variant of the coronavirus was prevalent in the United States. In addition, the data suggest high efficacy of vaccine protection in adolescents. The rate of Corona-related hospitalizations among children and adolescents aged 17 years and younger…

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PER EMERGENCY APPROVAL India approves the world’s first DNA vaccine

“ZYCOV-D,” is said to be not only easy to use – the DNA vaccine is also safe and well tolerated, according to various studies. In its fight against the corona crisis, India has become the first country in the world to approve a DNA vaccine. It works similarly to the mRNA vaccines from Biontech/Pfizer or Moderna and could be a real milestone in containing the pandemic. The vaccine from the company Zydus Cadila is expected to ship as early as mid-September. As dramatic as the consequences of the health crisis…

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Corona third vaccinations in Vienna already started

Earlier than planned, Corona booster vaccinations started in Vienna on Thursday. The Liesinger nursing home St. Barbara of Caritas made the start. “Now that the preparations for the third vaccination against Covid-19 in Vienna have been completed, we will immediately begin to further immunize residents in Vienna’s nursing homes against the virus,” stressed Mayor Michael Ludwig (SPÖ). From Friday, registrations are possible for all Viennese. From (tomorrow) Friday, it is also possible to register online via and by phone via 1450 for a third vaccination, the city said in…

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Questions and answers about Corona measures in the new school year

On Monday, the new school year starts in Vienna, Lower Austria and Burgenland. One week later, it will also start in the other federal states. Below are some questions and answers about the Corona rules in the new school year. Does my child have to take a Corona test in order to participate in the face-to-face classes? For the first three weeks, absolutely. During this “safety period,” all children must test three times a week – regardless of whether they are vaccinated. One test per week must be a more…

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