Avoiding Contact: Corona threatens “epidemic of loneliness

In order to protect themselves against infection with Corona, older people in particular avoid contact with family and friends. But isolation is a psychological test for many people.An important remedy against the spread of the corona virus is to keep your distance. But it has considerable side effects, especially for older people. The Hamburg-based futurologist Horst Opaschowski warns of an “epidemic of loneliness”.At least one and a half meters distance, is an important corona rule. Many people have moved much further apart. They live alone within their four walls and…

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Coronavirus can survive up to 28 days on cell phone displays

Under laboratory conditions, the virus could still be detected on bank cards or cell phone displays almost a month later. On smooth surfaces such as cell phone displays and ATMs, the corona virus can survive up to 28 days under certain laboratory conditions. This is what the Australian science authority Csiro writes in the journal “Virology Journal”. The experiment was carried out in the dark, as direct sunlight can kill the virus quickly, according to studies. The German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) states that it is not aware…

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What the new iPhone generation can do

Because of Corona, Apple boss Tim Cook will not introduce the next iPhone generation on Tuesday, October 13, 2020 starting at 7 pm Vienna time. An insider from China, known as an unerringly accurate insider, has probably also revealed the last details of the upcoming Apple event. Expected are the basic models iPhone 12 Mini (5.4 inch display) and iPhone 12 (6.1 inch). Both are rumored to have dual cams and 5G. They will be available in black, white, red, blue and green and with 64 GB, 128 GB and…

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Physicians: Low risk of infection via eyes

A coronavirus infection via the eyes is unlikely, but not impossible, according to German medical experts. For example, if one rubs one’s eyes with coronavirus-contaminated hands, “transmission to the nasal mucosa or the respiratory tract would be conceivable,” said Clemens Lange from the University Hospital in Freiburg at the annual congress of the German Ophthalmological Society (DOG). There are connections between the eyes and the nose in the head, such as tear ducts. However, in the current state of the study “there is nothing to suggest that we need to…

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Beware of Corona Fake callers, they want money

With a scam, scammers want to get the account data of their victims. By phone they tell you that you have to be tested on Corona for 50 euros. A short phone call can have a long after-effect. Currently, fraudsters are playing with their victims’ fear of Corona. They make them believe that they were with a Corona positive person. And now they have to go to the test themselves. They can buy a test kit for 50 euros by giving their account details. Furthermore they have to announce the…

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States agreed on recommendation for CoV traffic light

The EU ambassadors agreed yesterday afternoon on a recommendation to better coordinate national measures to contain the coronavirus pandemic. This is to be achieved in particular through a traffic light system to assess the risk of individual regions. This should enable EU countries to assess them in the same way and, if necessary, to impose objective travel restrictions, according to informed sources. In addition, EU members are to recognize coronavirus tests from certified health care facilities in another EU country in the future. Furthermore, a uniform EU-wide form for the…

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Trumps “Remedy” against COVID 19 – Antibodies

Two companies have filed for emergency approval in the US for antibody therapies, praised by US President Donald Trump. What is behind this? Trump announced a free COVID 19 cure. He stood in front of the Oval Office in the White House garden and spoke about a drug he took when he was caught by Corona virus. Every American should receive the same treatment as he did, said Trump. Free of charge. For this reason he will make sure that this and another drug is approved quickly. “They call this…

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Vaccines: Health Minister Rudolf Anschober sees progress after EU treaty

After the EU Commission signed another contract with a pharmaceutical company, Health Minister Rudolf Anschober (Greens) today emphasized the good progress in coronavirus vaccine research. “Each contract brings us a big step closer to our declared goal of providing a high-quality, safe and effective Covid 19 vaccine for the citizens of the European Union, and thus also for Austria,” he said. “The intention is to compile a vaccine portfolio, both at European and national level, that is suitable for broadly spreading the risks regarding delayed or missing market approval of…

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iPhone 12: Apple introduces new devices in October

Apple announced its new event on October 13. Fans suspect that the new iPhone 12 will be presented then. There will also be different versions of it. However, it might be possible that not all versions will be available in October. The reason for this might be the Corona crisis. The iPhone 12 could be available soonNormally the big Apple event always takes place in September, but due to the Corona crisis it has been postponed. Now the new date is fixed: On October 13th Apple will start the event…

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