“UNITY for a CAUSE,” a fundraising event for Typhoon Odette victims staged in Vienna

Vienna, 12 February 2022 – This year, one of the Filipino community’s rare in-person gatherings took place on Saturday, 12 February 2022, at Salvatorianerplatz 1, 1100 Vienna, Austria. It was a fundraising event, “Unity for a Cause,” for typhoon Odette victims in the Philippines. The event was spearheaded by Ms. Lolit Vendivil Kaszuba, former President of the Association of Novo Ecijanos (ANEA) for four consecutive years and one of the Hermana Mayors of the Bikol Society Austria (BSA) festivities in honor of Our Lady of Peñafrancia. “Unity for a Cause”…

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Mayor Ludwig stays in Vienna with 2-G in gastronomy

Following the press conference of the federal government, Vienna’s mayor presented the roadmap for the national capital. The federal capital has recently always taken a stricter approach to corona protection measures than the rest of the country. To continue to protect hospitals from overcrowding, Vienna will open, but with caution. “We want to remain cautious,” says Mayor Michael Ludwig (SPÖ). The wearing of FFP2 masks is to be retained throughout the trade. This is the “least means of restriction,” says Ludwig. Therefore one wants to hold, at least for up…

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Omicron subtype BA.2 increasingly dominant in Austria

Omicron subtype BA.2 is gaining dominance in Austria – and is expected to leave BA.1 behind in the coming weeks, according to the Covid Forecast Consortium. According to new findings, the omicron subtype BA.2, which experts closely watch, seems to differ significantly in specific characteristics from the Corona subtype BA.1, which is still dominant in Austria.This is indicated by study data published in preprint – i.e., without peer review – by most Japanese researchers. The differences include the probably significantly higher transmissibility of BA.2 and the immune response and pathogenicity.…

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Corona loosenings: Opening steps through March 5 in detail

On February 19, the 2G obligation will change to a 3G commitment in the restaurant industry. On Wednesday, the federal governments announced relaxations of the Corona measures in two stages. Find out exactly which rules will fall on February 19 and March 5. As of February 19, for example, the 3G rule, in particular, is to replace the stricter 2G rule. From March 5, it will also be permissible to party more when the catering industry resumes its normal operations. The government continues to adhere to the vaccination requirement. Relaxations:…

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Government locks up everything – only one rule remains

Now fixed: Big opening on March 5, 2022!On February 19, all 2G settings will be switched back to 3G. With March 5, all still upright Corona restrictions will fall in Austria, the government will lift both the so-called G-rules and the gastro-restriction hour. Only the FFP2 masks remain to us in certain areas—an overview of the recent decisions. The measures as of March 5– Elimination of all measures, except for high-risk areas (nursing homes/hospitals: 3G there for employees, service providers, and visitors)– Opening of night catering– Lifting of the ban…

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Wednesday: 38,256 new infections in Austria

In the past few days, the number of new infections had leveled off at around 25,000 cases. From Tuesday to Wednesday, 38,256 new infections were registered in Austria. This is about 10,000 more than the days before. For three days, new infections had settled around 25,000. The number of active cases had also been declining for days. Now, however, the number rises again to 309,150 actively infected with the coronavirus in Austria. 44 deathsThe number of deaths also rose again. 44 more deaths related to the coronavirus in 24 hours…

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Vienna Twin City Liner offers spring trips

Starting March 5, Central Danube’s Twin City Liner will offer spring sailings to Bratislava for the first time on Saturdays and Sundays.Passengers can experience a cruise and the spring awakening in the capital of Slovakia. Seats on the ship can be booked by phone at +43 (0) 904 88 00 or online. Vienna Twin City Liner offers spring cruisesThe sailing times of the new spring trips have been chosen to suit families. Departure from Vienna is at 10:30 a.m. on Saturdays and Sundays, arriving in Bratislava at 11:45 a.m. The…

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Worldwide case numbers down sharply

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the global number of new CoV cases dropped by nearly a fifth last week. Between Feb. 7 and Feb. 13, some 16 million cases were reported to the U.N. agency in Geneva – 19 percent fewer than the previous week, WHO said this evening in its latest CoV statistics. The pandemic’s preliminary peak was reached in the last week of January when more than 22 million cases were reported. After that, the numbers began to drop in early February. Also, last week, fewer…

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Corona summit could bring further relavations

The Austrian government and the states will meet today, Wednesday, for another Corona summit. They are expected to discuss further relaxations and whether PCR tests should continue to be free of charge. The government’s assessment of the Gecko crisis team setup is also likely to be decisive in further action. The day before, the Gecko crisis team gave the green light for additional openings – under the condition that the peak of the current wave has been passed. All forecast scenarios would show that once the so-called peak is passed,…

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