“Parkpickerl” to be expanded to all of Vienna starting in March

Vienna’s “Parkpickerl” will be expanded to the entire city from March 2022. A short-term parking zone will then apply in all districts. Vienna is to get a comprehensive parking strategyThe only exception to this is for residents who have their own vehicle. They can apply for the “Parkpickerl”. More than 38,000 people living in the newly included districts have already done so, as Transport City Councillor Ulli Sima (SPÖ) announced on Thursday. For ten euros per month, they will receive a sticker that will allow them to park their car…

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Corona variants: Omicron is probably not the end

The Omicron-Covid-19 wave is probably not the end. There are already other variants of this SARS-CoV-2 mutation as well. “We are in a highly dynamic event,” said expert Andreas Bergthaler (MedUni Vienna/Center for Molecular Medicine; CeMM) in an online physician training session on Wednesday evening. In the therapy of Covid-19, most monoclonal antibodies had lost their effect again due to the constant mutation of the pathogens, he said. “From the beginning of the (SARS-CoV-2) epidemic, we have been constantly surprised. We are now at as many cases (of infection; note)…

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France eases measures despite high numbers

France is gradually easing CoV restrictions in February while significantly tightening rules for the unvaccinated. They will then no longer have access to gastronomy, cultural venues, sporting events and long-distance transport with the introduction of the nationwide vaccination and recovery certificate, Prime Minister Jean Castex announced yesterday. For all people aged 16 and older, full vaccination will thus become a prerequisite for unrestricted participation in public life. People who opt for an initial vaccination by mid-February will then temporarily be allowed to continue to present an additional negative test as…

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Almost every third infected person is asymptomatic in Austria

Case numbers are rising rapidly. Omicron gives the pandemic a house number of new infections in Austria. Since Tuesday, a huge number of infections have brought the Omicron wave. Accordingly, Austria is on alert and this is also reflected on the Corona map of the country. According to the map, the entire Alpine republic is considered a high-risk area and is colored red. The color of the provinces is based on the seven-day incidence. A value of 100 or more means high risk and the change of color to red.…

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Austrian Parliament fixes compulsory vaccination

The Compulsory Vaccination Act is set in stone and will come into force on Feb. 1. The Austrian national Assembly has blessed the draft with a large majority. The controversial compulsory vaccination is law. At 7 pm, after hours of debate, the time had come: ÖVP, Greens, SPÖ and NEOS voted in the National Council for the implementation of the draft law. Thus, it is fixed: on February 1, 2022, the vaccination obligation enters into force. Already from 9 o’clock in the morning there were heated debates between FPÖ and…

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Ministries report no final COVID 19 figures for the first time

After yesterday’s record 27,677 new coronavirus infections, for the first time no final data have been released from ministries today. The reason is an unfinished data cleaning, said the Ministry of Health. According to raw data in the Epidemiological Reporting System (EMS), 25,592 new infections were reported. However, these still need to be adjusted for duplicate reports in the states. Assuming the raw data, new coronavirus infections throughout Austria are likely to remain at least at a continuing high level of over 20,000 tested positive today. Already yesterday, the publication…

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Record numbers in Germany, Sweden, Denmark and Norway, Paraguay closes borders to unvaccinated people

Sweden, Denmark and Norway have all posted record numbers of new infections. In Sweden, 37,886 new cases were added yesterday. In Denmark, the record from the previous day was broken right away: In the daily updated values of the health institute SSI, this time 38,759 reported cases were added, including 36,474 new infections and 2,285 new infections. In Norway, 15,367 new Corona cases were registered in the past day – also a clear pandemic record, as reported by the news agency NTB. The average for the past seven days was…

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Corona: Valneva vaccine to neutralize omicron

Good news on the vaccine produced by the Austro-French company Valneva. Its vaccine is also expected to neutralize the Omicron variant, according to a recent announcement. This is according to the results of an initial laboratory study. Responsible for the neutralization were “serum antibodies” formed after three doses of Valneva’s inactivated Covid-19 vaccine candidate VLA2001, the group statement said Wednesday. Valneva vaccine to neutralize omicronSo-called serum antibodies are antibodies derived from serum as well as a blood component obtained after clotting. For the study, sera from 30 participants in the…

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Expert already sees further variants after Omicron

The Omicron wave is probably not the end. There are already other variants of this SARS-CoV-2 mutation as well. “We are in a highly dynamic event,” said expert Andreas Bergthaler (MedUni Vienna/Center for Molecular Medicine; CeMM) in an online physician training session yesterday evening. In the therapy of Covid-19, most monoclonal antibodies would have lost their effect again due to the constant mutation of the pathogens. It is also completely unclear how much longer the world will have to contend with SARS-CoV-2 in its various variants, said Bergthaler, who recently…

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