Government to stop free coronatests starting March

Because of 2.6 billion euros so far, the ÖVP is questioning the free tests. Wednesday’s summit could herald their end. Finance Minister Brunner (ÖVP) had made a start in “Heute”: with the vaccination obligation, the free Covid tests should be phased out, he had demanded. Subsequently, other VP grandees questioned the free tests, most recently also the chancellor. After all, they have so far cost taxpayers 2.6 billion euros. It is now clear that their end will be heralded today, and tests will only remain free in exceptional cases –…

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The business with corona tests

Austria spends billions on corona tests. Austria is the “testing world champion” with more than half a million PCR tests performed daily; Austria is the “testing world champion. “Testing has become much more expensive for taxpayers than vaccination. The beneficiaries of the many tests are large laboratories such as Lifebrain and Novogenia. Now an end to the free tests is in the offing. An inquiry of the Neos resulted in that the Ministry of Health counted for 2021 with 1.6 billion euros for testing. For this year 1,3 billion euros…

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Vienna relaxes rules in schools

Vaccinated and recovered children in Vienna will soon continue attending school even if there are multiple cases of infection in a class. The new rules of the health authority apply from Monday, February 21. If multiple children in a class test positive for coronavirus, the entire class will no longer be sent home, as was previously the case, but only a partial suspension for five days. Sufficiently vaccinated children, which requires two vaccinations up to the age of twelve or three partial vaccinations for older kids, or children recovered from…

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The first shipment of Corona pills is expected to arrive as early as March

According to “Heute” information, the first delivery with Corona pills is to arrive in Austria as early as March. The Corona situation in Austria remains tense. New infections have been decreasing steadily for a few days, but the number of new cases remains high. At the beginning of the week alone, a total of 24,565 new infections were again reported, and on Tuesday, there were 25,177 cases. For one week, the law for the vaccination obligation has been in force; so far, however, no effect has emerged. About 1.3 million…

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25,177 new infections in Austria

There have been 35 deaths associated with Covid 19 infection. From Monday to Tuesday, 25,177 new infections were registered in Austria. There are currently 306,869 people actively infected with coronavirus in Austria. 35 more deaths in 24 hours represent the highest number this year. The last time more than 30 people died was on December 31 of last year, and there had never been more than 25 Covid-19-related deaths so far this year. This also significantly increases the seven-day average to 22.3 victims; within the past seven days, there have…

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Reasons why you should eat three bananas a day

After the apple, it is one of our absolute favorite fruits: the banana. We reveal five good reasons why you should eat three bananas every day. Whether for dessert, in a breakfast smoothie, or as a snack between meals. The banana is not only a delicious all-round talent, but it also promotes our health: 1. BANANAS LOWER HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE. Studies say that three bananas a day positively affect high blood pressure and significantly lower it. The potassium-sodium ratio neutralizes the sodium intake from the daily diet, responsible for high…

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Allergy or omicron? Here’s how the symptoms differ

Here’s how the symptoms of an omicron infection and allergy vary. In spring, the pollen count begins. Anyone who gets a runny nose wonders: allergy or omicron? We explain the differences. The pollen season is open! Pollen from the early bloomers hazelnut and alder have been flying since January. They can cause a runny nose, cough, and fatigue in people with related allergies – the typical hay fever symptoms. However, in times of the corona pandemic, the symptoms can also indicate a different ailment: The omicron variant of the coronavirus…

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Northern Ireland lifts almost all rules

The British province of Northern Ireland today lifted all remaining CoV measures. According to Northern Ireland Health Minister Robin Swann, no vaccination or testing certificates will be required for significant events from Feb. 15, and the mask requirement will be primarily lifted. In doing so, the province is following the line of the UK’s largest country, England, where almost all Corona measures have already been lifted. Wales and Scotland, meanwhile, have also relaxed as CoV case numbers have been falling for weeks. Elections in early May The regional government in…

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Robert Koch Institute expects Corona wave in autumn

The German Robert Koch Institute (RKI) warns of a new Corona wave in the fall. “The endemic stage has not yet been reached,” report “Welt” and “Süddeutsche Zeitung,” citing an internal assessment of the situation by the institute. In the fall, a new Corona wave is “to be firmly expected.” Corona figures could then rise again in the fall. The burden on intensive care units depends on various factors, such as the proportion of unimmunized people over 50, the transmissibility of the variant then circulating, the availability and effectiveness of…

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